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Anonymous Colin said...

Thankyou. Helpful.
I find the slower pace of writing (compared to thought and speech) allows time to clarify and deepen questions and prayers and make space for primary thinking.

28 March 2022 at 10:18

Blogger Ron Tomlinson said...

>Men become what they think; and Men can choose what they think... But we cannot think whatever we choose!

Yes. Neat and logical. But why can’t we think whatever we choose?

Because we don’t get to decide what’s true and what’s false.

Original thinking operates via spontaneous, coherent images. Following Steiner (BC post ‘Is Thinking a means, an end, or an illusion?’) these are all our own, and *falsehoods would prevent them from forming*.

Which is why the habit of speaking truth would not be sufficient to resurrect Science now, even supposing we wished to. Only *love* of truth would be sufficient, and this isn’t a legalistic rule. Rather it arises naturally from a love of thinking.

When people let the media do their thinking for them they are being guided by ideas which originated as images in other people’s minds. These are true (they must be) but increasingly are selected to be misleading, privileging certain aspects of reality over others in a strategically harmful way.

The wicked selection process occurs in the dark but rewards the selectors with a frisson. As when Dr Evil touches his finger to his lips!

28 March 2022 at 13:14

Blogger David Earle said...

Very spot on. This post was inspiring.

I think many people now passively "default" to external sources of information and distractions when they have a break in their day, rather than defaulting to here-and-now, their own thoughts and intuition (which are far more valid and useful), especially in relation with God.

I think we can all know on a personal level where to look next and what direction to be aiming if we listen attentively enough and default to conscious real-thinking. But if we constantly seek external distractions, information and temporal pleasures then that innate knowledge is clouded and manipulated, or unavailable.

28 March 2022 at 13:42

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@RT - A good expansion on the post!

28 March 2022 at 14:31

Blogger PhilR said...

Intriguing (as always). This seems to comport with aspects of the final chapter of Iain McGilchrist's 'The Matter with Things.' Have you come across it yet? (I note you get a citation!)

28 March 2022 at 15:45

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@PR - No I haven't read this book of McG's although I reviewed his Master and Emissary on this blog and I have met him (in fact he stayed overnight at our house back in 2012-ish). I don't read much science since I retired from thinking about it; but in the later 90s I spent several years working on the nature of delusions - e.g.

28 March 2022 at 16:01

Blogger PhilR said...

I'm aware you're understandably resistant to book recommendations but his work is really quite something. It subsumes The Master and his Emissary and in the end represents a powerful and coherent worldview of which science is but a part. The reason I mention it is that it does reflect many of the concerns you often write about.

28 March 2022 at 16:15

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@PR - Well maybe - 1500 pages and at least 30 pounds (on Kindle!) to buy it... It's a longer and more expensive journey than I am keen to embark on.

28 March 2022 at 18:34

Anonymous Charlie said...

Hi Bruce, I thought you might find this article interesting.

Victim, Manager, Rebel, Destroyer
Postmodern, Modern, Medieval, and Ancient Typologies of Villainy

The latter three map well to Ahramaic, Luciferic, and Sorathic evil, while the postmodern villains (and heroes) are people who fail the litmus tests of Christianity.

I know you don't want links in your comments, so please feel free to edit it out, I just wanted to share this with you:

29 March 2022 at 23:03

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Charlie - I had already looked at this article, and found it only half right (with some examples of interpretation I disagree with - e.g. his account of Voldemort) and rather poorly constructed. The main point is should make clearer is the definition of evil - which I would say is taking a side against God and divine creation. But some of the negative criticisms are similar to those I made myself, in the From Hero to Antihero section of my Addicted to Distraction book (linked in the sidebar).

29 March 2022 at 23:25

Anonymous Anonymous said...
As the "Sophiologists" suggest, there are to be found in all things the presence of angels, and so, knowledge of all things, however briefly one takes a glimpse at things.

Imaginative play is an excellent achievement toward causing the intuition to become normative over, and provide a greater freedom for knowledge obtained by merely human reason, rationality, and emotion. The best way to play is to direct your mind toward the nonhuman kingdoms of plants and objects. Geometries, crystals, flowers, and from forests to deserts, are all perfect to play around with in the imagination. Just go ahead and begin with that perfect circle, and soon enough let begin your rosebuds to bloom. There likely is no safer way to get your mind exercising itself, but do not spend too much time away from the real matter. :) Bless Us

30 March 2022 at 22:00