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Anonymous NLR said...

The way I see it is that sometimes ordinary people have substantial influence, while other times they are just swept along with events and can't do much to change things.

If there was an Atlantis and if there were individuals trying to reform it up until the end, I can't fault them for that. Then there's also all the people caught on in wars over the eras. Or the people during the Black Death who didn't have the medical knowledge to treat people effectively and then ended up dying themselves. If they were really trying to help in good faith, I admire them for that.

Different people are in the different situations and while we're on Earth, we can use the opportunity to learn, but different people can learn in different ways. There's always the possibility for distraction or self-delusion, but at the same time, genuinely good actions are worthwhile on Earth and afterward.

31 March 2024 at 16:48

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@NLR - As someone who spent about 25 years resisting the System agenda in innumerable ways, large/ public and small/ private - organized and sporadic (in a much more favourable environment than now); the lesson I learned is that when you do so, you do it from your own motivations and for your own satisfaction.

Because "other people" will almost instantly *melt away" (including people you had thought were friends, and who agree with you verbally, in private, "in theory") as soon as there is the slightest *potential* (not even actual) disadvantage to resistance; or to being associated with you.

There is no point in making a thing about "fighting". If you need to do it, just get on with it - don't expect approval, and don't expect that it will make any perceptible difference to anything.

In other words, real-life "fighting" for what one believes Good is a spiritual activity (because the material/physical is always spiritual (though not vice versa).

31 March 2024 at 17:02

Anonymous NLR said...

"In other words, real-life "fighting" for what one believes Good is a spiritual activity (because the material/physical is always spiritual (though not vice versa)"

That's a good way to put it

31 March 2024 at 18:36

Anonymous Jay said...

Even if you can't make a significant global difference, you can make a difference for a few. That is worth (figuratively) fighting for and can have eternal effects.

1 April 2024 at 01:01

Blogger pyrrhus said...

I think the collapse of Western civilization, in its present form, is already a near certainty...Most people won't acknowledge the situation until they are deprived of some of the fundamentals of life..At that point, in the US, States will secede and the whole political structure will crumble..In the UK, which is in a worse situation IMO, I have no idea what will happen...

1 April 2024 at 01:06