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Anonymous Iain M said...

John 3:8 'The wind bloweth ... thou hearest the sound ... but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.'

It is quite impossible to fathom what this really means or even express it in words. That would be an attempt by nature to describe how the supernatural works would it not? The passage itself acknowledges that difficulty. No man knows where the wind has blown in from. But he can hear it clearly enough. However, the deeper point is surely that he does not need to know. He does not need to understand the technicalities. In other words, it is being kept deliberately simple.

This supports what you say about the 'simple way through all complexity by the person of Jesus Christ.' Indeed, it surely must be kept simple if it is (as it is) an imperative.

As you say, all the external sources described seem proven inadequate to the current time. There are (there can be) no substitutes and no mediators. The relationship is direct or it is not the necessary relationship.

I might add, while the start of that relationship becomes part of time, that is, a man's history and memory, its happening was real and cannot subsequently be made unreal.

17 April 2022 at 13:42