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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger jgress said...

This reminds of an article by a Russian Orthodox priest who was a convert from Methodism. He described a very similar "niceness" among the people he grew up with, people who otherwise would appear to epitomize ideals of Christian virtue. The main flaw, and one of which apparently the majority of them were unaware, was complacency. As long as you went to Church, said grace over your meals, worked hard and made a good living for your family, didn't smoke, drink or curse, that was good enough.

The lesson of the Publican and the Pharisee is that it's never good enough. If you manage to fulfill all the commandments, the result is only that you are "an unprofitable servant".

With that in mind, I think there is something in what you say about the "not nice". Those who struggle more to keep the least of the commandments may paradoxically end up more aware of their own sinfulness, and therefore achieve a greater degree of repentance than those who find conventional morality easy.

9 August 2012 at 22:52

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Evelyn Waugh would be a classic example of a "not nice" person who was nontheless a good Christian.

10 August 2012 at 01:25