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Anonymous Gary Sue said...

Its an inability to understand context or human language. "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." Why yesterday? Why not "eternity past"? Because its referring to the resurrection or ascension. Their whole "God is unchanging" thing is based on this verse.

29 July 2023 at 23:56

Blogger Mark Docherty said...

"I am the Lord, and I change not." -Malachi 3:6.

God, being eternally perfect, cannot somehow become "more perfect." Thus any change in His Divine Nature could only make Him less than perfect, which is absurd. Perhaps you have a different idea of "change" than in essentials?

30 July 2023 at 00:01

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@MD & xxxx - Those are, indeed, some of the theological arguments to which I referred.

I regard them as examples of reductio ad absurdum - in other words, since the reasoning reached incoherent conclusions (incompatible with the essence of Christianity), the premises must be defective.

Specifically How assumptions are defective is for each to discover for himself, because the classical theologians don't tell us - since they are captive to those assumptions!

30 July 2023 at 06:01

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

Further comment:

What I think people need to do with the bits of theological reasoning that assert God *must* be unchanging, is to separate out the apparent 'need' that is being addressed - first to assess whether it really is needed (eg whether it is explicit and unambiguous in the IV Gospel, or Gospels generally); secondly whether that need might be addressed in some other way (i.e. without assuming God as unchanging).

30 July 2023 at 09:43