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Anonymous Jaz said...

I remember back in high school (early 80s) one of my teachers went around the class and asked everyone what they wanted to do in life. It was illuminating how everyone wanted to "have fun". I don't believe we all had a clear picture of what we really wanted, but the default answer, given without deep thinking, was telling.

I told some of the young men and women at church this tale. I suggested that if they ever came across such a situation they say something like: "I want to be holy and grow old and watch you all make wreckage of your lives as you seek fun, then have you revile me for being right and content."

4 August 2010 at 19:11

Anonymous dearieme said...

I don't much mind "fun" as a noun but as an adjective it's a sure sign of piffle. "This is a fun painting" invites, nay demands, the retort "Fuck off, madam".

4 August 2010 at 22:27

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can agree with most of the sentiments expressed, but I'm not sure that I would want to hold
19th Century Russia up as an avatar of a "serious" society, given where that ended up; and no, the state of Russian society in the 19th Century is not unconnected with what happenned in the 20th. Also, some research indicates that Fr. Rose was (and is)a rather controversial figure within Orthodoxy - Does Fr. Rose actually represent mainstream Orthodox thought? Not a criticism, just a question - I don't know that much about Orthodoxy.

There's nothing wrong with having fun and enjoying yourself, but when these thing become the only goal in life, Fr. Rose is certainly right - where this ends up is the farthest thing from "fun".


5 August 2010 at 13:06

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Tschafer - I am no expert on Eastern Orthodoxy - being a very recent 'convert'!

But it was Fr. Seraphim Rose that drew me in, and also reading Byzantine history.

I'm not really interested by the 'mainstream' of any institution, since all institutions are (at any given time) substantially corrupt - more the core, or best of it.

5 August 2010 at 15:31

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Fun is the one thing that money can't buy" -- a line from a Paul McCartney song which never fails to jar me when I hear it.

20 September 2010 at 10:57

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@wmjas - indeed. Jarring, and almost-totally false.

Because if fun is your main object in life, then money is the most useful assistance you could have (assuming you already have the necessary constitution).

20 September 2010 at 11:35