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Blogger Wurmbrand said...

Read St. Matthew 15:14.

How much wiggle room does our Lord give us there?

Is it not quite plain, that He is saying that if your pastor or priest -- whatever his "apostolic succession" -- continues to preach false doctrine after he has been admonished, you should leave that church?

The terrible decline in the Church of England was abetted every step of the way by orthodox Christians who put up with what their Lord told them not to put up with.

(Obviously I am not referring to you personally, Dr. Charlton.)

The same thing has happened here in the States in Episcopalian, Lutheran, Presbyterian, and Roman Catholic congregations. People stick around when they *know* that what Pastor or Father is spouting is not true, and they continue to support the church financially as well.

There would be a lot less need for backlash now if people had obeyed Jesus and walked out years, or decades, ago.

22 October 2012 at 14:42

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Dale, Indeed.

The C of E was supposed to be guided by tradition, reason and scripture.

Tradition was swiftly rejected as evil, so that was no brake on corruption.

Reason was subverted by the idea that anything not explicitly prohibited was allowed (and even if it was explicitly prohibited, then modern Biblical scholarship could confuse the issue by throwing up a sandstorm of discussion about translations, historical context etc).

Which only leaves scripture as a guide (which is why Bible-based denominations are now the strongest) - yet even scripture has been subverted by Biblical scholarship, multiple Bible translations, versions and adaptations/ re-writings; and the post-Reformation tendency to assume that that which is not prescribed is prohibited and that temptations must be eliminated (rather than pursuing a middle way) - making Bible-based churches narrow and dry by the standards of historical Christianity.

What a mess!

Congregations were left thoroughly confused and self-doubting; and then made expedient choices to reduce friction with the secular world and to remain part of the mainstream; and so the ratchet of corruption commenced.

22 October 2012 at 15:21