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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Anonymous ajb said...

I found particularly interesting the idea of a link between an understanding of God's nature and how that affects guidance.

15 August 2014 at 23:36

Anonymous Nicholas Fulford said...

Knowing God is in us

If God was out there, and could only reach us by the normal methods of communication - then our situation would be hopeless.

But God is within us - he has planted a glowing coal of His divine nature in each person.

Once we know this glowing coal of divinity is in each of us, we can learn to feel and abide by its guidance - with attention to its promptings, through quiet contemplation and listening, by sensitivity to intuition sent from it, by meditation.

The problem here is that many people of different faiths and none experience something that they perceive of and interpret as divine/ineffable/presence/timeless - though they may label it differently. Each has some subjective experiences / states that they map to a symbol.


I get the states, but not the requirement to frame those experiences within a label. Is it not sufficient that a common set of states exist which are experienced across cultures and periods?

I also get that mythic narrative is meaningful to people, and that altered states fade as normal conscious states return, just as dreams fade as the conscious mind surfaces.

The other problem is the problem of delusion, or as it is known religiously idolatry. When a form takes precedence over what is experienced, and experience must be shoe-horned into an orthodoxy or personal world-view, the interpretation defines what is real. This is the basis of religious conflict, as experience is made secondary to its interpretation. If there was every a reason to not be theistic, it is to not fall into this particular trap.

16 August 2014 at 05:12

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@NF - That is why is all starts with faith. Faith is the first choice. There is evidence on both sides - choice is not compelled: but a decision must be made and always is made - that is faith. Faith is the first choice, and everybody has already made that choice - but they can change their minds.

16 August 2014 at 06:16

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@ajb - I think it is a vital point. Someone who knows God, in this sense of knowing what God is like - His nature - may come to trust God.

And someone who both knows and trusts God has a superb guidance system.

16 August 2014 at 06:22