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Blogger John Fitzgerald said...

Kathleen Raine wrote a lot about this in her autobiography. She called Destiny her 'Daemon' and whenever she tried to act independently of it the Daemon relentlessly pulled her back to her true calling. I used to think that I could do any sort of job and have my real life 'outside work hours', as it were. It's taken me a long time to realise that one's life has to be aligned with one's destiny in all spheres. You can't switch it on and off like a tap. You can't live in an environment that doesn't align with your destiny for 8 hours a day then snap back into your destiny as if you were taking a jacket on and off. It's about finding an optimum fit - creating an ambience at home and work that chimes as much as possible with your Divine purpose, who you are deep down, and who God created you to be.

31 December 2018 at 07:31

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@John - Yes; or perhaps more exactly, when you are that kind of person (we are, but perhaps not everybody is), then it is a fact of destiny that cannot be eluded.

But I find that destiny does not really tell us what we ought to do with any specificty; it leaves us to work that out for ourselves, mostly. We can't see the path ahead, but we know when we step off it...

Life isn't like following a script (and isn't meant to be - that would be un-free, a mental-slave's existence), and an individual destiny could perhaps be fulfilled in more than one way, in several ways; but *most* possibilities *are* ruled-out.

Real life is *not* a large field of choices - it is a matter of finding our way (the right way) *through* a mass of actively-misleading possibilities (or escaping-from a false trail, a clearly marked route to a place we shouldn't be going).

I would also add that while happiness is a reliable guide through life, pleasure is a deadly snare; and if happiness and pleasure cannot be distinguished, and if happiness is not preferred - then genuine success in life is very unlikely indeed.

31 December 2018 at 08:04

Blogger Francis Berger said...

I wholeheartedly agree with what you express in this post as well as the comments you and John have added. Destiny truly is unspecific; hence, we must become aware of the general, dominant flow of our lives and then work out the details for ourselves. This is the crux of the matter, and this is where I often made my biggest missteps in terms of destiny.

In my experience, I have found wading into the realm of compromise to be the ultimate tell of whether or not I was still pursuing my destiny. By compromise I refer to both explicit definitions of the word - making concessions in an effort to find agreement with something that may not be agreeable at all AND the expedient acceptance of standards that are lower than what you know to be desirable. I have learned, rather painfully at times, that when it comes to destiny, no compromise is possible.

31 December 2018 at 11:06

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Francis - It is quite a change to reach this view. I used to be frustrated by what seemed like 'bad luck' that arose when I tried to do certain things or move my life in certain directions, or by my own physical or mental limitations; but I can now see that these 'barriers' helped deter me from doing things which were not what I should be doing.

Other peoples' advice is often unhelpful, because they may assume that people are the same/ interchangeable; or that other people are like themselves. Only when it comes to a few people that we know well can we *sometimes* see what they should, or more likely should not, be doing.

I have had a couple of friends who were very persistent, over many years, at trying to do (but not succeeding at) what they were fundamentally unsuited to doing. They each seemed to have an unrealistic 'fantasy' about themselves that did not match reality. They spent their lives trying to swim upstream.

I saw this in some others to whom I was close, but I failed to see that I also had the same problem, but in relation to different 'fantasies'.

Looking back, I am embarrassed and rather ashamed at the superficiality, but persistence, of these misguided fantasies of mine.

31 December 2018 at 13:52

Blogger Jared said...

I really enjoyed reading this post. I think it related to what I have experienced in my life. Some of it seemed familiar. What I liked also was the focus on life or destiny being to prepare us for the next life.

3 January 2019 at 02:26

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Jared - "the focus on life or destiny being to prepare us for the next life" - Yes, and that itself implies that our lives are individually tailored to our specific needs, to a greater degree than usually recognised.

3 January 2019 at 06:27