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Anonymous Ptolemy said...

But why is it the opposite if meditation - main tool of oneness spirituality - increases both concentration and willpower(which I think have same neurobiological basis)

7 January 2024 at 05:45

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@P - "Meditation" itself is not one thing, but has a wide variety of aims and methods - some almost opposite to others.

7 January 2024 at 06:39

Anonymous Ptolemy said...

I once did focusing-on-breath meditation, and after it felt like I returned into my childhood self, more energized and my normal state seemed to be lazy state in comparison, and also I had my moral senses sharpened, felt like I'm a more clear person, and was experiencing deep disgust to smoking and some political party which I will not name. I thought about it and came to conclusion that this disgust is always with me but with less pronounced degree and it's kinda blunted.

7 January 2024 at 09:39

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@P - OK, but that is just therapy, feeling better - and then there are many other ways of feeling better; and all therapies (even when very effective) are temporary at best, contingent on many other factors, and terminated by death.

I am mainly concerned by the religious-spiritual aspects and claims of meditation.

The point about meditation is that it is a means to an end. Whether it is worthwhile depends on that end.

7 January 2024 at 11:24