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Anonymous Todd said...

Dr. C,
How timely!
Yesterday the non-dogma-based "Christian" church I've been attending (as in a small town, it's good to have real, personal relationships of some kind), they pastor announced that they were "selling" flags of the nation attacked by the fire-nation for $10, which would go to help that nation's refugees.

In a meeting after church, I patiently explained to the few people who showed up why I couldn't be on board with this agenda. I also stated that I wasn't automatically supporting the fire nation's agenda. I did point out the insanity of pumping weapons into the region to inflame tensions. I even said that I thought it was evil - yes the E word - to hand out barrels of guns to teenagers and old people and tell them to suicidally attack fire nation tanks, etc. I had printed out an NYT front page photo showing a young, beautiful woman of the attacked nation in full battle gear with a gun strapped to her chest, and held it up as an example of value inversion.

I have to say that the pastor did say that he would think about it. The other attendee stated that "it was hard to know what is true and what is not." That's where I brought up inner knowing. Sorry if this was too long and too specific, but your blog post today was very synchronous with my experience. I sort of feel that one can no longer be "neutral." The difficulty in this is that some people accuse one of supporting the fire nation by not supporting more war against the fire nation.

21 March 2022 at 12:40

Blogger Stephen Macdonald said...

Each successive wave of totalitarian evil propaganda sweeps more Christians away.

I now understand the vision I was given around 2018: in this vision I am clinging with all my strength to the base of the cross (I can feel the wood on my cheek) -- the only remaining point of absolute stability as everything around me shreds and is blown away into darkness.

21 March 2022 at 13:54

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Nova - Yes.

When I first became a Christian (2008 ish), and knowing the statistics that it was officially the largest religion in the world and winning coverts rapidly - I could not understand the prophecies to the effect that by 'the end' it would be hard to find any remaining Christians.

Well, I understand it now!

21 March 2022 at 14:16

Blogger a_probst said...

"...and winning coverts rapidly..."

Freudian typo?

21 March 2022 at 17:36

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@a_p - Which bit do you mean?

21 March 2022 at 18:28

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Extremely thought-provoking.

Coming home from some shopping yesterday, a cloudy and miserable day, I got to the building by the laundry room, where people routinely leave "stuff".

What did I see?

A beautiful Byzantine icon of the Theotokos with Child, on bark base. I took this to be a sign of Supernal Mercy, so it's now sitting in our living room in a prominent place.

Thank you for the work you do, it radiates to others in far-away places.

21 March 2022 at 19:46

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Berkan - No need to post your comment in quadruplicate!...

21 March 2022 at 21:52

Blogger a_probst said...


I know he meant 'converts'; I was making a joke and not at his expense--there might be 'coverts' in The Church.

23 March 2022 at 02:54

Blogger Alan Roebuck said...

“Good presented as Good for a bad reason.” E.g., environmentalism presented as good because mankind is a plague.

“Bad presented as bad for a bad reason.” E.g., bullying presented as bad because it prevents Alphabetites from being true to themselves.

P.S. Why “Fire Nation?” Its more icy than fiery.

1 April 2022 at 02:30