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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Anonymous Brett Stevens said...

I like the esoteric rule: teach others to the degree that they are
ready, with the idea of leading them toward something such that they must make the final half of the journey by themselves entirely.

This means that no one is ever told something before they are ready, and thus they cannot abuse it. Further, the eventual attainment is theirs alone, because they were guided in only the first part of the journey.

$0.02 (now worth $0.009)

28 October 2012 at 11:58

Anonymous stephens said...

It seems that for every generation since the sixties, when the Frankfurt School/Cultural Marxism propaganda machine really started to make headway, the moral belief system of each successive generation has been led further away from traditional Christian values.
We are now left with a great chasm between the two making traditional Christian values seem alien to the modern generation.
I doubt that the gap was so great when Jesus spoke with prostitutes and criminals. They would have been familiar with the values he preached.
PC has sold all the worldly comforts "sex before marriage", promiscuity, self gratification. It's even tolerant/inclusive (all religions are valid, homosexuality is great.)
How can the present day Church bridge that gap without heading in the direction of sin?

28 October 2012 at 19:14

Anonymous dearieme said...

One problem with imitating Christ is that the gospels don't say all that much about him. That's one of their characteristics that persuades me that they might well have been attempts to put together honest accounts of the common material in recollections available to the writers from eye-witnesses. Compare the "hadiths" about M: pah!

28 October 2012 at 19:51

Anonymous Bruce B. said...

What you describe among Evangelicals (Baptists basically) probably results from their tendency to understand faith in a fairly shallow way i.e. faith as a single act of consent to a particular set of propositions about God and Jesus that has to happen after you reach the age of accountability at approximately nine years old.

What’s also interesting is their aggressive desire to go to wretched, third world places to evangelize the most alien and exotic people when there’s infinite need of evangelism among their own neighbors.

29 October 2012 at 18:09