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Blogger Francis Berger said...

Well put!

That fundamental insight formed one of the core themes in my only book-length foray into fiction. The following lines are spoken by a character who rejects the fundamental insight that love is primary:

"What can one do in a world where words wane and the spirit dies? What is left for higher, more sensitive souls like ours? Nothing except pleasure and pain, my dear Béla. Eros and Thanatos. Since we are not men of violence, the only moral imperative open to us is pleasure. The only thing we can aspire to is enjoyment.

Understand this, and understand it well -- there are no high things left. We are all trapped within ourselves. We are all damned regardless of what we do. The sooner you accept that, the happier you will be. So stop denying yourself. Enjoy the pleasures of this world while you still can."

21 January 2024 at 11:09

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Frank - I'm very familiar with that character's perspective, for much of my adult life! It was always resisted by something that seemed irrational within me; yet I felt that I *ought* "logically" to live in a more hedonic way that I already did.

As I now see it, I felt I ought - rationally, on the basis of reality as I understood it to be - an even worse (more selfish, more short-termist) person than I already was.

This - on a cultural level - is what The West in general has unleashed upon itself; and it gets worse with every generation removed from the primacy of religion.

21 January 2024 at 11:25