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Anonymous JohnB said...

Dr Charlton, an excellent piece as usual. I was having similar thoughts about the 'mass-masking' of those in terror from the birdemic just last night. The wife and I visited a busy supermarket, in which almost everybody was masked, I went unmasked. As did a few other reckless, souless, Godless virus-taunters...

Yet at no point did anyone do anything about my heresy; or that of the other men. And I've seen this now over the last week in banks, other supermarkets, coffee shops. Nobody says anything. It didn't quite sink in until recently just how voluntarily the subservience is, not that I ought to be surprised. And I'd wager easily that fifty-percent of those masked clearly think the thing ridiculous, yet they still do it.

That's why it's important to have Faith in higher things, I suppose. Because seeing this submissive display is disgusting and demoralizing.

23 December 2021 at 15:23

Anonymous Skarphedin said...

Great stuff. Thanks. I especially liked this bit:

"Thus, Not wearing a mask can make the OCD-birdemic sufferer feel naked, exposed - feel as if he was pride-fully taunting the birdemic: just asking for trouble."

I have no access to the internal experience of birdemic sufferers they seem like robots or people suffering delusions to me.

Which is strange and amusing because prior to the birdemic I would have placed myself on the neurotic and maybe even hypochodriac end of the spectrum. I seemed to worry about things like infections and environmental hazards etc and think about my health far more than others.

Yet the birdemic had no effect on my baseline concerns. And I absolutely and instictively rejected the psychological bait.

"I'm neurotic but these people are actually crazy."

After reading your post, I appreciate more how this was never about physical health. Because that is what must have sensed.

23 December 2021 at 16:01

Anonymous Todd said...

Thank you for this Dr. C!

Psychological theories of what is going on are often interesting and seem like very good explanations of what we are seeing.

Why do you believe that everything going on can't be explained by psychological or economic or political theories, and that the supernatural and such must be involved?

I also don't think it can be explained by purely materialistic or psychological theories, because there is too much coordination over time and space for mere men and women to accomplish it.

23 December 2021 at 16:47

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@T - "Why do you believe that everything going on can't be explained by psychological or economic or political theories"

I do not believe that. Experience shows that even the simplest and most incoherent theory can explain anything that happens - by the prevailing standards of 'explain'. Public discourse would not be possible otherwise.

The proper question is to ask Not 'what can't be explained' but what is True.

God is Not an ad hoc explanation to fill-in (current) gaps in science/ psychology. God is either true, real, the creator - or not.

If not then it is necessary to dig down to ultimate metaphysical assumptions without God and evaluate whether these are believed. (Not believe-able - but actually believed - 'by me, now' as it were.)

For example, and one really thinks about the meaning of no God - then there is no knowable coherence (i.e. no science). If no God, obviously no morality, and indeed no meaning or purpose to life - at least none outside my current notions.

The question to ask is whether this is *really* true - i.e. whether *fundamentally* one believes this is true.

Of course, extremely few people are honest, rigorous about such matters. Extremely few have thought it through, or are prepared to make the effort, or live in accordance with their stated beliefs - or try to do so, or will admit that they do not do so.

But then I'm afraid most people's opinion on most matters has zero value. We need to think for ourselves about matters we regard as of prime importance.

23 December 2021 at 16:58

Anonymous Todd said...

Dr. C,
Thank you for correcting me. That was an important error in my question, which revealed an important error in my reasoning. I think that I perhaps had the proper understanding unconsciously, but hadn't clarified that important, fundamental assumption:

"Experience shows that even the simplest and most incoherent theory can explain anything that happens - by the prevailing standards of 'explain'."

That is a very important statement to understand, and not just understand, but to internalize. Thank you!!

That would explain (I see the irony in saying that here) why, if you point out to a Birdemic True Believer, that he got the infamous illness despite being triple-jabbed, he will just say, "My illness would have been much worse without my triple jabs!"

He has a working theory in his mind that works for him, no matter how incoherent or weird it seems to us. Thus, any new data that comes his way about pecked people getting ill, or his unpecked friends being fine, can be explained away without effort.

What matters is Truth. I think I unconsciously knew what you clarified. And that is why I can sense when a friend or acquaintance is not engaging in honesty about these matters, and when it would be futile to address the issue in a systematic, or even just an honest dialectical sort of way. One can sense the actual fear of investigation with honesty and bravery. It's actually uncanny.
God bless you, and Merry Christmas.

23 December 2021 at 17:14

Blogger a_probst said...

A few days ago, I entered a Walmart (a big-box retailer called 'Mall Wart' by the Spoonerism- addled) without a mask figuring I'd wait to see if anyone would point it out during shopping or checkout. Not a peep.

Likewise, the next day when I shopped at a Ralphs Super Market. Many are just keeping up appearances, I guess.

Another odd thing. I don't think I've had a single sick day since this all started, not so much as a cold. Sometimes I'll wake up in the morning feeling that a sore throat might be coming on but apparently it's just dry mouth, as it fades away by breakfast.

24 December 2021 at 09:22

Blogger Zeno said...

I once read a news story about someone who was so afraid of spiders that, in order to kill one, burned down his own house.

This seems more or less the story of governments/people vs the birdemic.

Merry Christmas!

25 December 2021 at 06:52

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Zeno : "Someone who was so afraid of spiders that, in order to kill one, burned down his own house."

A parable for these times indeed!

25 December 2021 at 07:25