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Anonymous Adam G. said...

As someone who did precisely what you advise, and had exactly what you say will happen, happen, a word of advice for anyone planning this: the supernatural has agency and will--it doesn't come running whenever you whistle--but if you go into with the mindset that you will not be heard and answered, you won't be answered.

30 October 2014 at 20:41

Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the more literal translations, Jesus doesn't say "born again", he says "born from above", which I take it to mean receive the Holy Spirit in the same way he did. Pray to receive the Spirit and I think you will.

31 October 2014 at 04:08

Anonymous Cameron said...

A fine post, you're in fine form of late. Thanks.

31 October 2014 at 10:09

Blogger pyrrhus said...

Excellent post, I totally agree from personal experience.

31 October 2014 at 22:18

Anonymous TE said...

My two cents: I think praying specifically for personal revelations or miracles has some potential danger and is a bit "off the mark." Rather I would encourage the non believer to pray something like "God, lead me to the truth and find a way for me to believe it by whatever means necessary. If there is a true religion then let me somehow come to believe that it is true."

What I think is the key thing that's needed is the willingness to accept personal revelations rather than specifically asking for them. By praying for God to help you believe the truth "by whatever means necessary," personal revelation is included in that (if it actually is what's necessary) and it avoids some of the dangers of praying specifically for personal revelations.

1 November 2014 at 21:35

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@TE - For un-spiritual people, I think a full commitment would be necessary.

If revelations and miracles are not asked-for, then they cannot be granted.

What is needed is the feeling from recognizing that God is a person, with a personal concern for me.

2 November 2014 at 06:20

Anonymous TE said...

I thought about this for the past few days and came to the conclusion that you're probably right-- (many/most) people probably should ask for revelations and miracles.

A few things I still disagree with:

"For un-spiritual people, I think a full commitment would be necessary."

To me, saying "by any means necessary" is a full commitment-- the fullest possible commitment.

"If revelations and miracles are not asked-for, then they cannot be granted."

I think they can, as there are some cases in scripture of unasked-for miracles and revelations.

Nonetheless, you've convinced me that it probably is good to ask specifically for them-- I would only add the caveat that God may not answer in the way you expect or at the time you expect-- but he will find some way to answer.

I still think that openness to the possibility of miracles is most important, but now I'm considering that asking specifically for them is one of the best ways of increasing openness.

"What is needed is the feeling from recognizing that God is a person, with a personal concern for me."

I'm certainly agreed here. Hopefully I'm not being too nitpicky with my thoughts on this.

7 November 2014 at 12:18

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@TE - Thanks for your comment.

wrt un-asked for miracles. I think this may be a bit of a red herring. If the miracle has not been asked for, then it is usually easy to explain away as a coincidence or as some psychopathological phenomenon (an hallucination or delusion perhaps) or by some kind of fraud.

The really self-convincing miracles are when we know, by inner conviction, that *this* is the answer to our prayer. As you say it may be an unexpected answer - but one we recognize from the heart.

The unasked miracles of scripture took place in a world where I think everybody believed in the miraculous (and the only dispute was over the miracle had been done by god/s or demons).

And, in that context, the miracles we hear-about were seemingly designed as public demonstrations of Christ's divine powers, and also to fulfill prophecies.

I don't think we could easily generalize from then to now; and from a supernatural-believing completely religious society to the modern cynical secular people I was addressing.

7 November 2014 at 13:20