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Anonymous Geir said...

Religion is simply a model of the world which we use in order to compare what is happening in the real world with what ought to be happening. This model is first presented in the story about Adam and Eve. To be human is to have a model of the world in one's mind, and animals, while they might have some kind of model in their mind too, they don't measure the difference between observed behavior and wanted behavior. They have no idea of what an ideal is as opposed to reality. So this model is a set of statements about the world which we use in order to understand what is going on and why, and the morals that follow from these statements, that is, what kind of behavior we ought to perform. A religion may be right in many of its statements and wrong in some, but a religion may not lead to a long term survival of humans if it is not right in its ideals and with a moral that leads to the right kind of behavior.

Also, it is somewhat wrong to say "just a model" as a model is something entirely complex and intricate and the total model out of possible grasp for ordinary humans. The model includes the conscience, of course.

22 August 2019 at 18:58

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@G - Well, defining religion is notoriously difficult/ impossible; but I find that definition Way too broad. For the purposes of this post, it is sufficient to 'define' religion in terms of the actual historical religions found in all societies until the modern West. These are always 'supernaturalist'. The distinction is From all variants of modern materialism/ scientism/ positivism/ reductionism.

22 August 2019 at 19:38

Anonymous Geir said...

I don't think it is difficult or impossible to define religion. I was actually influenced by Belloc in my definition. One can be more precise, stating that any religion will contain statements on creation, the world and the role of human beings in it, the relations between human beings, mythological "explanations" in the form of stories where the purpose is to give a fuller account of the phenomena we observe, a narrative including some kind of golden age, a fall, a future, but all these are "statements". These statements imply also some sort of gratitude towards the creator, one may almost say that religion originates in being grateful for being born towards an unknown creator, and from all these observations of the universe and the human behavior, one builds a model of how all this has become what it is to the observer. Moral is behavior that is asked for, as a consequence of having this model of the ideal and obviously not behaving according to it in daily life. Religious rituals follow from the gratitude. Cfr. latin religio, which is following from what I state is the basis of a system of statements. The statements themselves obviously must have come from trying to make sense of the observations that humans began to take in, as they developed language. I would go so far as to say that humans are defined as "the kind of animal having a model of the world, and being able to measure deviations from the model in real life". Thus religion becomes the set of statements "necessary" to guide the life of humans.

22 August 2019 at 20:21

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@G - It doesn't work for all the examples I want/ need to include - for example the relgion of hunter gatherers or young children. This isn't a model, and is indeed fluid and mostly unconscious.

22 August 2019 at 21:00

Blogger Andrew said...

Dr. Charlton, not that you asked but here's my take. I don't subscribe to the standard model of history. Human history began 6,000 years ago with Adam and Eve. The Earth itself may be millions or billions of years old and undergone one or more transformations/renovations (Lucifer's fall, etc.) in that time. But the human species began with Adam and Eve and there were no 'proto-humans' prior from which humans evolved. In the garden, before the Fall, religion was unnecessary as they enjoyed direct communion with God without mediation. After the Fall, mediation became necessary thus religion was born because we are created with an inborn desire to know and worship (ie. love and commune with) our Creator. The eternal being Melchizedek was sent by God to show Adam, Eve, later Abraham and others, how to properly sacrifice and worship God the Father until the Mosaic Law arrived. So religion comes from within (our Nature) and without (Revelation). I don't believe 'hunter-gatherers' are prior to civilizations or agriculture. Adam and Eve had to learn to work the ground (farm) after being expelled from the Garden. All other non-Abrahamic and Christian religions come from the same innate desire to know our Creator mixed with Revelation that contains varying degrees of corruption.

-Andrew E.

22 August 2019 at 21:44

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Andrew - For me, each human's history extends back eternally; but we spent most of it as spirits, before being incarnated.

I agree that a reasonable distinction that can be made between 'religion' as a formal system (much as Geir describes; beginning, perhaps, with the 'totemic' religions of Pacific Northwest Amerindians, Australian Aborigines and the like), and 'direct communion' that we once had in premortal life, which was approximated in early cultures; and which we may have again if we choose.

But I also think we need a term for that which all cultures and peoples and individuals have -- unless/ until they reject it and assume the validity of atheistic materialism. That's what I mean by religion in this post.

23 August 2019 at 07:12

Blogger Andrew said...

@Andrew - For me, each human's history extends back eternally; but we spent most of it as spirits, before being incarnated.

I agree. My view is that humans began incarnating into this world starting 6,000 years ago. And I would say that as pre-mortal spirits there was no religion as it was unnecessary, same as before the Fall.

-Andrew E.

23 August 2019 at 13:38