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Anonymous dearieme said...

Our teacher told us that we were going to read the original, but that he was unable to prevent our parents buying a copy of Coghill. Ha! I must say that he did enjoy reading out bits in what he assured us was an accurate pronunciation. Of course, we did this after we'd done a little linguistic background: Germanic languages, language change, vowel shifts and all that. The Young learn so little nowadays, poor wee buggers. On the other hand, they are spared compulsory Latin: lucky buggers.

10 April 2011 at 18:28

Anonymous Brett Stevens said...

Learning the literature of the past is vital. In many ways, all of education is a history lesson.

In addition, as a great writer said in paraphrase, "The past isn't dead -- it isn't even past." We live in the results of those times, and we can learn from their struggles.

Very few do this, which is one reason why our leaders can propose to repeat mistakes, and look out and see row after row of nodding heads.

11 April 2011 at 23:12