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Anonymous Mia said...

There is so much serious work to be done, it's like our lives depend on doing Fourier transforms but we're still trying to attain basic numerical literacy.

You *have* to look at these things *without* ending up trapped by the sins of despair and fear. I wonder how many instinctively just don't look out of a fear of fear.

In Letter from a Father Arkle says time is intensity. Even if time is just an aspect of being, our experience of time in this realm is varied. Everything important I've ever discovered about myself or the world has felt like Hemmingway's description of bankruptcy- painfully slow then all-at-once. I've heard a Christian perspective that the repetition required for learning is intentional, otherwise it would be too easy for evil to get a foothold. I've never been a determinist explicitly, but it's lurking everywhere in my attitudes, actions, and emphasis. I rarely see Christians explicitly link determinism to fear, resentment, and despair, but it seems the root (or a root) of all three to me.

26 May 2024 at 18:25

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Mia - I have never noticed that part of Letter from a Father - thanks for pointing it out:

"Such time as this would seem a long time to you, but remember that time to me is a very different thing. To me it is the correct intensity of expression of the things that I wish to talk to you about and to show you. It is exactly a measure of the proper growing pressure that I consider appropriate in any situation to make the best use of that situation. Too much intensity and hurry would burn your nature, and too little would leave you fast asleep and untouched."

I have a different understanding of "time" - but Arkle is certainly interesting here.

26 May 2024 at 19:09

Blogger Dr. Sentient said...

A cousin of jealousy, envy, and anything ego-driven, resentment is the helpless, frustrated reaction to control. Rejecting control is not. It is uplifting and loving towards self, others and life.

26 May 2024 at 20:30

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@DS - Sometimes resentment is a reaction to being controlled; but I would suspect usually not. Often it is just something learned, socially inculcated - which then frames all interpretations.

26 May 2024 at 21:55

Anonymous cecil1 said...


a) Can one be angry at injustices, and demand compensation, without being resentful??

b) The descendants of the Normans are obviously still in England in some form. Can you readily identify them and their actions as a group? What are those harms, and where are most Normans found in England?? I wasn't aware this distinction was still very real. I know it sure was in the 1200's!!

When I visited England as a teenager you could definitely tell the Saxons and even the Vikings in certain areas of England-- though they obvious didn't call themselves that.

Most of my ancestors are from England/Scotland. Maybe some of us are still part Normans without having a clue! We always thought of ourselves as just English.

27 May 2024 at 04:56

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@cecil1 - "Can one be angry at injustices, and demand compensation, without being resentful??"

Yes and yes - but, of course, most "injustices" are nothing of the sort, and compensation is a legal not theological concept.

One never *needs* to be resentful - although, like many sins, it may be impossible to avoid in practice. Hence repentance being the core concept of Christianity (i.e. not *avoidance* of sin, which is impossible.)

27 May 2024 at 06:33

Blogger a_probst said...

And one may envy the vocally resentful their moral superiority! A common temptation since the 1960s.

29 May 2024 at 03:21