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Anonymous Bruce B. said...

Well maybe the cognitive genome is willing against the maladaptive mutations you’re talking about.

25 June 2014 at 13:17

Blogger George Goerlich said...

I hate to draw an analogy to the stock market, but it seems a "bubble" is usually burst by an event widely unanticipated, but in hindsight obvious. While the market only needs people to sell, this event seems more likely to begin with a combination of disease and lack of food. With the current food system having no real "extra capacity" it would only take a 1-month supply disruption to potentially cascade.

Interesting enough, Mormons are one of the few groups that traditionally teaches its members to store a year worth of food, though they've since shortened this to a 3-month supply.

25 June 2014 at 13:48

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@BB - Yes, I've left-out any divine influences; but there would need to be repentance first, or else we would be self-closed-off from divine influences (as at present).

I think the Industrial Revolution (and the great innovations which led to it), taken as a whole, was a great gift to Man - which we have failed to appreciate and squandered and grossly misused (World Wars I and II to go no further).

We have had wonderful gifts and possibilities, but (on the whole) have not even tried to use them for truth, beauty and virtue.

25 June 2014 at 15:03

Anonymous JP said...

If you fall below the industrial revolution, you will fall below the agricultural revolution too, because (a) modern agriculture has been industrialized, (b) nobody knows how to farm using pre-industrial methods, and (c) even if there were such farms, they would be overwhelmed by starving mobs.

The end result must be wandering bands of savage cannibals without industry or agriculture.

25 June 2014 at 17:26

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@JP " wandering bands of savage cannibals without industry or agriculture."

I think you meant to say wandering bands of *mutant* cannibals without industry or agriculture...

25 June 2014 at 17:29

Blogger Bill said...

It sounds like you are describing a collapse scenario often attributed to resource limitation - in this case the limit of intelligence essentially.

Population die-off sounds like the curve from the old Limits to Growth publication.

25 June 2014 at 22:49

Anonymous stephen c said...

You might want to give some thought to another scenario, where the random top million (on a cognitive genetic scale) lucky humans out of 10 billion humans(those are pretty good cards to draw, but it is not surprising that where there are 10 billion people there will be a million with one in ten thousand genetic luck) collectively, in their deluded love of power, continue to its logical conclusion the already started pc enslavement of the other 10 billion (minus, of course, the million rulers) and we will not be back, in that generation anyway, to any previous period but we will be in a new period, as bad or worse than any others, where the
"Modern Age" (Evelyn Waugh's term from Sword of Honor, expressing his disgust at the 193x triumph of Stalin and Hitler together) reaches its perigee ....

26 June 2014 at 03:38

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Bill - Not really.

This scenario is one in which the proximate cause is cognitive rather than physical resources.

The cause of the Industrial Revolution and of the extra 6-7 billion people was the minds of a relatively small number of (mostly) European male geniuses - plus of course the societies who used their breakthroughs and the other societies that copied them.

Given a sufficient supply of geniuses of the right type, and of societies who respond to the right type of genius-work - the earth might be able to support extremely large numbers of people... however that is not the situation (as you are aware, 'dead European males are instead *blamed* for everything bad in the world!); hence the apparent likelihood of collapse.

26 June 2014 at 06:38