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Blogger Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

You will perhaps disapprove of this comment as too "abstract," but ...

To say that Beings are made up of components which are not themselves Beings, is to say that those components, not the Beings themselves, are the fundamental building-blocks of reality. Reality is not really, fundamentally made up of Beings unless even elementary particles are to some degree conscious (as in the not-at-all-mainstream Mormon theories of W. Cleon Skousen).

I don't think the position you stake out, that everything which is not itself a Being is at least part of a Being, is well thought out. Once Adoni-bezek's thumbs were severed from the rest of him, for example, what became of them in terms of Being-status? No longer part of the Being called Adoni-bezek, did they immediately become conscious Beings in their own right? Did they immediately become parts of some other Being? If so, which? I'm not saying such questions are unanswerable, just that a coherent Animism needs to ask them, and that they seem to invite "scholastic" answers that take us far afield from a child's natural conception of the world.

12 February 2018 at 13:59

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...


I think the shortest answer comes under the category of 'polarity' (if you word search that term on this blog, to remind yourself). This is that the ultimate categories are 'dynamic processes' - and beings are examples of such processes.

But that is just a different kind of physics!

Polarity includes that many things which are distinguishable (such as parts) are not separable - just as the body parts I list cannot lead a separate existence, they are intrinsically parts. (If they were cut out of the body and kept alive, they would become something else.)

(I suppose this could be termed a kind of 'holism' but that term doesn't seem helpfully explanatory.)

The reason parts are not separable is that the ultimate categories are dynamic, which means that they are lineage-like, occur through-time. the parts participate-in this dynamic existence.

It seems to me that we need to decide whether to do our metaphysics on the basis of personal dynamic entities (Beings) or on the basis of static (abstract) categories. There are probably other possibilities - but my point is that these two do not mix; you cannot get one from another.

The problem for Christianity is that you cannot (honestly) get Beings from Classical metaphysics - which is a deep reason why it keeps turning-into physics!

So, rather than using the alternative-physics language of polarity, dynamos and processes - we need to try and create a thorough-going, Being-based language of 'animism'.

12 February 2018 at 15:15