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Anonymous Karl said...

In my experience, most people note inconsistency only to explain it away. In your example about Christmas, they'd argue that, of course you are allowed to celebrate Christmas, but only alone. Of course you are allowed to have a Christmas tree - such things are not illegal. Of course, the sale of Christmas trees is illegal, because shops are closed, but that is another matter - entirely unrelated.

If a contradiction cannot be explained away by sophistry, the next defence is denial that the earlier state was ever made. If that defence is impossible, they'll argue that it wasn't serious or -as a last defence- a necessary lie for the benefit the of the general population.

Speaking truth is a Christian commandment. As our societies are no longer Christian and have instead become anti-Christian, many people accept a duty to lie.

Their mind works very hard to maintain the illusion of benevolent government.

21 December 2020 at 09:45

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Karl - That's it.

ANother thing that people do not realise is that in a world where people lie habitually and mandatorily, and where there are no significant sanctions against lying; nobody knows much about things. People collecting the basic data are not trying to be scrupulous, but to stay out of trouble, please their supervisors, pursue their own ideological agenda etc.

So, basic data is contaminated - on top of which, those who summarise and analyse data are behaving in the same 'expedient' fashion (some mixture of careerism and ideology - not even trying to be honest)- and then so are the journalists and politicians who report it to the general public and whose agenda is to manipulate public behaviour.

These layers of non-honesty are not merely additive, but actually compound uncertainty in a multiplicative fashion

There are many many things that - 30+ years ago - we would have known about the nations and the world that now are not known by anyone. At the same time, the masses are required (on pain of punishment) to acknowledge that the officially stated unknown pseudo-facts are true (and that tomorrow's psedo-fact will also be true, even when contradictory).

All this is why I have reached the conviction that those who believe the official/ media information are not innocent dupes, but actively culpable - to believe the Establishment is to be colluding in their sin. There are no excuses when even a child can perceive the lies and the value-inversions, so blatant have they become - indeed, nowadays, probably *only* a child can perceive the lies.

21 December 2020 at 10:43

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

RJC - Thanks for your kind words. But you may have misunderstood me!

21 December 2020 at 20:11

Anonymous Faculty X said...

Argument from authority, although a well-known logical fallacy, dominates the public's mind these days, alas!

I see CSAuditing as a form of empiricism, and empiricism is historically dangerous to established power (because it dares to realize what is real regardless of what people want to believe).

21 December 2020 at 21:44