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Blogger Adil said...

Ideally speaking the west should've continued as a monocentric, formally Christian civilisation, in the same way we still today refer to 'the Muslim world'. Instead the western world became 'privatized' and sealed inwards, like a flower closing-off. This formalistic and faceless secularism has effectively suffocated public life and civil society; that is - the west has become cold and uncivilized. The flower doesn't get any water. In Eastern Europe, I believe religious life and consensus still permeates public life, leading to a gentler and more alive civil society in general. So it seems to me that Christianity itself in the west has suffered from 'materialist-ification' and secular entryism, thus we are talking about a failure of Christianity in general. Of course we can say the same about islam - it is 'calcified' albeit in a different kind of way. Perhaps the esoteric challenge of modern Christians then is to 'cast off' this 'wornout' superstructure and try to initiate a collective suface-level response through independent individual faith and grassroots networking - or 'Surfing the Kali Yuga'. Which seems to be your own preferred 'medical procedure'.

21 August 2019 at 16:49

Blogger Adil said...

I should add that the Christian narrative itself is Not 'wornout' by any means, but is rather built-in to the west, and has simply morphed into 'climate hysteria' in heneral, reflecting the deep-seated desire for religion in a political manner. Of course the better side of a public Christianity would be the precise shield against the same expedient trends. Private, secular second-hand Christianity on the other hand, seems to have perverting effects on religion in general.

21 August 2019 at 16:58

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@ERic - My understanding is that (from approx 1770, with Romanticism; and onwards) the West went through a spiritual adolescence which was inevitable and - indeed - hoped to be a prelude to grown-up adulthood. But by a complex of wrong choices, the civilization got stuck in adolescence - which includes alienation, materialism, despair etc.

There is no going back to apiritual childhood, for the West; but if we stay where we are we have chosen self-extinction. We can only go forwards - which is in some senses a cyclical return to pre-civilisational animism, in another sense a new level of (Christian) greater consciousness, choice, individualism etc.

21 August 2019 at 17:28

Blogger William Wildblood said...

You're absolutely right that none of the things you mention are substitutes for religion. They are merely substitute focuses for attention for a soul that has rejected the proper focus of attention and wants to something to feel self-righteous about.

"The flower doesn't get any water' is a great phase, Eric. That's why it's gradually wilting.

21 August 2019 at 18:17

Blogger Adil said...

@ Bruce

I think you've made more or less the right diagnosis. It is not just intended destiny, but an element of unfortunate error as well. I envisage the West right now as a fragile house of glass built from our perceptions, mistaking the tangible glass for the reality behind.

@ William

Somehow the image of a sealed flower came to mind when I thought of the word 'secularism'. Indeed the flower is lacking both of Light and water, trying to live of that which is left on the ground.

21 August 2019 at 19:37