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Blogger Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I've only read Understanding Media, but there's definitely a lot of good stuff in that one.

14 July 2021 at 09:09

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Wm - I think you'd enjoy GG even more.

14 July 2021 at 09:44

Blogger agraves said...

I don't think there is a conscious solution to our problems today. However any solution to today's events need to take into account the effects of language, color, living conditions that are planned for harmony, space, and light. The excessive use of extremely casual language is evidence of our unorganized thinking. The ugliness of colors which most people use in their homes and buildings go unnoticed by most people. Same with our noisy environments and lack of planning. The effect of bad music being one of the worst influences of all, effectively stopping critical thinking. All this suggests solutions lie before us but will go unnoticed and not used. Just trying to "change things" will only make it worse.

14 July 2021 at 14:47

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@g - All these make matters worse.

But people who live in some of the most beautiful and ancient environments (such as Oxford colleges) are among the most corrupt and evil of all humanity; so a beautiful, and even spiritual, environment without God/ in opposition to God is clearly useless.

Also even a stunningly beautiful and anciently-spiritual environment - such as the great English Cathedrals - is likewise demonstrably powerless to convert its residents (such as the Bishops and Deans of the Church of England) to repent their adherence to evil and join the side of God.

First things muct come first - as usual.

14 July 2021 at 15:14

Anonymous captOBV said...

The TV replaced the Bible as "the book" normies believe without question. And that was intended all along.

14 July 2021 at 17:47

Anonymous The Continental Op said...

Have you read Neil Postman, one of McLuhan's disciples? I found "Amusing Ourselves to Death" and especially "Technopoly" useful. Technopoly broke the spell of scientism for me.

14 July 2021 at 19:24

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

Yes, I've read 'Amusing...' - but not the other.

14 July 2021 at 19:35