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Blogger Adil said...

Sounds very plausible. The Devil always sneaks in through the backdoor. If a thief has entered your house and hides in your closet, you might notice a straitlaced atmosphere in the air, where things seem just a little bit too orderly and calm to be true. If the intruder wants to avoid detection, he might stay put until you lose suspicion and go to sleep. So, I imagine, demons have entered people's minds and is holding them hostage, because the alternative is facing that there really is a monster in the closet, which is worse than just 'making everyone get along'. If the herd stays together, the wolf might only catch those in the periphery. Don't scare the herd! Of course it would be too much for modern man to admit that she is still a victim of such foolish instincts. Rationality rules!

20 May 2020 at 17:44

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Three months ago, a friend phoned me to tell me that a killer virus would soon spread world wide. She was full of fear. Now, three months in, she phones me to say how disgusted she is with politicians and the media for telling us such huge lies. The onslaught of attempts to frighten and control have had the opposite effect to that intended in her case. I am guessing here, but I believe that there may well be quite a large minority who have seen through the lies as my friend has done. And that is the problem for those with evil intent, they can over do it and spoil their own games.


20 May 2020 at 19:03

Anonymous Epimetheus said...

You've no idea the level of synchronicity this post represents!

20 May 2020 at 23:06

Anonymous Gary said...

I think it is very obvious, and has been for at least a few months, that 1) the risk posed by this raven is not much different from the usual dark avians which live with us, 2) that the measures being enforced to deal with these buff birds don't actually work to stop them spreading their wings and 3) the measures employed do actually destroy economies,social capital and lives very rapidly and decisively.

So there is no actual justification for fear of the winged ones, even to a mean intelligence, unlike a hostage situation... Where the threat is real and torture and serious suffering and pain are actually likely.

I think what were we're seeing is more that people want to give up on life, are tired and broken, and this virtual, manufactured justification is the perfect excuse to wallow in their latent desire to "let go", be as passive as possible, crawl into a hole (social distancing) and wait it out until they are extinct.

This latent psychological makeup and the desire for self-annihilation was already obvious before the birds came (addiction to media, political correctness, willed sterility, metaphysical nihilism and relativism, consumerism, etc. Etc.), It has now just been put into stark relief.

On a somewhat unrelated note, I think there might be an element of witchcraft being used by the elites in order to magnify what evil was already in the hearts of men... A specific type of evil... To "activate it". I know that saying that is a bit of an Icke move, but so be it.

20 May 2020 at 23:33

Anonymous Phil said...

Thanks Bruce, I really learned a lot from this. It helped me feel a bit better about myself since I am often self-critical about why I allowed certain things to happen to me as a child. It also helps me understand why so many people keep their heads down today.

14 July 2020 at 23:28