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Blogger Rich said...

Thanks for responding, Bruce.

I'm interested to know, are you off of his theory because you believe we are individuals that are not participating in a collective field? Rather we are individuals with connections but, more separate than Rupert asserts?

His theories regarding fields and memory strike me as being true. It is much closer to how I think most people experience memory. I guess I am just wondering why you find Mormon thought incompatible with his field theory?

Really enjoying the reader questions!

31 May 2015 at 23:32

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@ads - I don't so much think that morphic resonance is incompatible with Mormon theology (because philosophers can 'fix' things and make them compatible - as with the classical philosophical explanations of the Holy Trinity).

But MR comes from a different philosophical tradition than Mormonism (in the sense that Mormon theology pre-dates but is in essence the same system as William Jamesian Pragmatism and Pluralism).

Classical metaphysics in Plato and Aristotle is mostly about forms; but pragmatism/ pluralism is not.

1 June 2015 at 05:28

Anonymous Damerei said...

Bruce, the problem I see with this is that the area of reality encompassed by the symbol "eidetic form" does not suddenly cease to exist.

If you see yourself in the tradition of pragmatism, what do you say to the fact that the most thorough expatiation on that philosophy is to be found in Peirce and his successor Whitehead? I doubt the latter - a great scientist without doubt - would agree that metaphysics and science are incompatible. His book Process and Reality is, along with the works of Eric Voegelin and Michael Polanyi, one of the best works establishing that scientific and philosophical meditations must ultimately cohere.

11 June 2015 at 17:00

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Demerie - Very simple, I am a William Jamesian pragmatist! - and not an adherent of Pierce or Whitehead, who seem very different to me.

But maybe you misunderstand my position, if you attribute to me the belief that "metaphysics and science are incompatible". I don't believe that. I believe that metaphysics and physics (or any other science) are at different levels, and that the metaphysics comes above the physics - frames the physics. That which frames, cannot be refuted by that which it frames.

11 June 2015 at 18:02