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Blogger JP said...

I don't know if you have ever read The Devil's Share by Rougemont, but it is short, easy, insightful, enjoyable, and definitely worth a go.

26 April 2017 at 12:45

Blogger Duggus said...

Thank you, once again. I've thought this in regard to my own church for some time now, but hadn't really considered it as something so fundamental as what you say. In my church, the proclaimed logic behind decisions has been completely contradictory, sometimes justified by going back to something supposedly more ancient but sometimes justified by needing something supposedly more up-to-date. It only makes sense when you realize all decisions consistently move in a direction away from the sacred. Why hadn't I considered all of liberalism that way?

26 April 2017 at 15:41

Anonymous Sean Cory said...

This has been on my mind for some years now. The Left's opponents cannot win because they have no idea of what their enemy is. They fire away and consistently miss the mark because they refuse to see the target. That old saw about the greatest victory the devil ever achieved was convincing men he did not exist is true.

26 April 2017 at 16:05

Blogger whitestone said...

It's true. the target. The real enemies, are being missed the whole time. While the different factions fight among themselves. Divided and conquered. Oblivious to who the real enemies are

26 April 2017 at 22:12

Anonymous Don said...

Anyone who has watched the news or seen what passes for art or read what they consider normal or entertaining cannot miss the demons unless they are willfully blind.

It's the emperor's new clothes. All are agreeing on what they will and will not consider real. Even believing Christians have a hard time stating outright the obvious. Embarrassed by the teachings of Christ.

If they allow for sodomy, murder, perversions how can they allow themselves to acknowledge the evil forces driving those desires.

27 April 2017 at 07:25

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Don - The demons are missed because the assumption is that they don't exist - and furthermore than anyone who says they do exist is stupid, dishonest or manipulative. As so often, it is the unexamined, denied - hence incoherent - assumptions of modernity which are the problem.

27 April 2017 at 10:45