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Anonymous JP said...

It is difficult to see PC as a feeble religion when it has utterly routed so many other religions and indeed, corrupted and converted them into fellow believers in "diversity, tolerance, and inclusion." PC will not tolerate open displays of religious belief in public life, and PC has prevailed.

Nobody, apparently, was willing to sacrifice to keep what you might call "mainstream Protestant" denominations alive. The only Protestants who still resist are the evangelicals / Southern Baptists. The Anglican church (and its Episcopal version in the USA) came up against the self-gratifying, individualistic, guilt-shrugging, 'glass bead game'-playing cosmopolitan secularism... and LOST. And yet Anglicans in previous centuries were willing to sacrifice a great deal, including their lives...

27 January 2012 at 12:15

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@JP - "PC will not tolerate open displays of religious belief in public life"

This only applies to Christianity because Leftism is primarily about combating Christianity - some other religions are celebrated, protected, deferred-to, organized-around, state subsidized, privileged etc. Especially insofar as they are anti-Christian.

Yes, I agree, PC beat mainstream Christians; done, as I said, by corrupting them.

The deal was that you could have prosperity, lifestyle freedom, subsidies, status, sex - at the cost of subordinating your religion to modernity. Most Christians accepted the price.

The Christian denominations and other religions which are thriving and growing fast are all anti-modern, organized-against the modern.

27 January 2012 at 14:07

Anonymous Brandon said...

"The Christian denominations and other religions which are thriving and growing fast are all anti-modern, organized-against the modern."

Could you give some examples? I would like to join one of these.

27 January 2012 at 16:41

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Brandon - e.g. Amish, Hutterites, 'Islamist' Muslims, Ultra Orthodox Jews ...

Good luck!

27 January 2012 at 16:57

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Brandon - the (broadly) *pro*-modern success story have been Mormons.

27 January 2012 at 16:59