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Anonymous David said...

Yes. Ironically, even the most cynical and hardened flat-world middle-management atheistic type would tell you "Assumption is the mother of all..."

The trouble is in a world of self - proclaimed "free thinkers" comprised of countless millions of the aforementioned carefully *educated* type, none of them, at present can escape the 'group think' and break away from the herd. Instead they follow the herd off the spiritual cliff because, well, even when you are wrong, it feels safer in numbers!

17 November 2015 at 18:39

Blogger The Crow said...

Everything is alive, in that everything is part of the One Living Thing.
Humans see nothing, know nothing, are nothing, until, possibly, they wake up.
Having woken up, it is no longer possible to ever inhabit that unwaking state again.

17 November 2015 at 23:24

Blogger Nicholas Fulford said...

What happens when a metaphysical axiom changes?

Sounds like the basis of a speculative fiction or fantasy novel to me. It is worth thinking about.

Let's use your animistic metaphysical assumption, and see what might fall out of it.

One thing that probably doesn't change is how we treat those life forms that are further down the chain. Unless, the new metaphysical axiom brings with it a powerful and involuntary empathy for other lifeforms , people would still continue to treat "lower" lifeforms as instrumental. However, if a visceral and involuntary empathy followed with it, human behaviour would change tremendously due to the immediate feedback. I am thinking in a very Philip K. Dick fashion of something like the effect of the mood organ in "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" The thing is, you wouldn't get to dial it in, but rather experience it with regard to the state of other lifeforms. I imagine how the flowers would feel as the morning sun hit them. But how would a rock feel upon being smashed, or would it be at such a low level that the life it had would be detectable as almost a background hum? How about mycelia? That has potential since it is a colony life and is so far removed from what we are as to be very alien. Would hydrogen atoms oxidizing into water sing an emotional tone? Would we experience a symphony or a horrible discord of the emotions or both?

Thanks for the stimulating idea Bruce.

17 November 2015 at 23:29

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Nicholas - It seems that Tolkien dreamed of what it was like to be 'a rock', and wrote about it in the unpublished Notion Club Papers

I don't experience any diffuclty with (approximately) imagining life and consciousness at all the different levels of reality - what I do find impossible is to imagine that there is a sharp cut-off in life or consciousness, such that some things are alive/ conscious - but most things are not-at-all.

I find that in trying to define part of the universe as utterly dead and unconscious, becuase I cannot draw a line between alive and not-alive, I end-up defining *myself* (and other humans - and of course apes, elephants, dolphins and dogs) as dead and unconscious.

In practice I think it is 'all or nothing' - either everything is qualitatively alive and conscious (but in very different quantitative ways and degrees) - or nothing is.

18 November 2015 at 05:49

Blogger Nathaniel said...

My understanding is that Mormon belief accepts animism (e.g. identities), and it seems a wakeup could occur within protestant Christianity as it is already, in a sense, independent of a strict hierarchy - do you think the Catholic and Orthodox churches could accept such a revelation, or find it within tradition?

If I accept your framework, Christ's miracles do appear readily comprehensible. Biblically, everything seemed more alive anyway.

11 December 2015 at 01:26

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Nathaniel - When I talk about revival, I am considering the possibility of a mass awakening - and I don't think any of the mainstream churches could or would be involved - and the smaller, more devout and gowing churches are relatively tiny and highly selective. The role of such churches would be mainly in spiritual leadership, I think. And that depends on teh quality of the church leadership - wich is a big problem (I mean that most leaders appear to be fifth column Leftist inflitrators, merely pretending to be Christian).

11 December 2015 at 06:36