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26 February 2021 at 10:23

Blogger William Wildblood said...

If Christianity led to leftism it took a very long time to get there. Nearly 2,000 years!

26 February 2021 at 11:46

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@SM - Thanks - I've bookmarked it and will give it a try...

26 February 2021 at 12:38

Blogger ToTheRightRon said...

I came by way of that aggregator.

It would go down on occasion so I bookmarked the sites I found valuable. So while convenient, it became superfluous.

Looking at the sites I made sure to bookmark I now notice they are all overtly Christian in theme. I skipped saving the nihilists, never noticed that until you pointed out the content.

26 February 2021 at 13:58

Blogger Chent said...

Yes, this is my main disagreement with Moldbug. He quotes old Protestant manuals with lots of leftist ideas as a proof that Leftism was Christianity without God. But the truth is that sone parts of Christianity have been mixed with leftists ideas for centuries. This does not mean that these ideas have origin in Christianity.

Having said that, neoreaction was a positive intellectual movement. Of course it was not spiritual but its deconstruction of Leftism were useful. Some bloggers, such as Zippy Catholic RIP, used to defend Christianity.

In a more personal tone, I cannot defend Christianity in my college classes in a third-world country. But I can attack Leftism with the weapons I have learned from neoreaction. This have been useful.

This is why was my daily read. Please, Sasha, provide an alternative.

26 February 2021 at 19:52

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26 February 2021 at 22:51

Blogger Chent said...

Thank you, Sasha. What you did is great. And I like the new sources you have included

27 February 2021 at 02:52

Blogger BSRK Aditya said...

The comments were mostly positive, so clearly there is too much applause.

First, you conflate neoreaction with the secular right - why is this? Surely it can be agreed that they see themselves as distinct from this? Applying your litmus tests to Moldbug we get 2/3 or 2.5/3. (If you count the fact that he thinks the pandemic response was botched)

The only other person I know is Monsieur le Baron and he is 3/3.

This brings to the main contention - I would say that there was a great deal of crossover and mutual influence between the figures of dissident christianity and dissident politics of the last century (back when the current left had been dissident politics).

But, as it you noted, the current left is not Christian.

I personally am both a religious revolutionary & a political revolutionary.

My revolutionary religion is in the domain of Buddhism, but I will keep that seperate from the politics. Why? Because it is not well suited to be a state religion (That will need something else).

In my opinion, christianity is not well suited for this either - Mencius probably shares this assessment.

27 February 2021 at 16:00

Blogger Sasha Melnik said...

I've found a sensible domain for the feed - it is now at - syn meaning 'with' and also being greek - it is also mildly humorous since syn most commonly to refers to the first packet of an internet connection.

The original link now refers to the new domain, and is the same feed.

I hope some of you benefit from it. I'll be using it actively myself.

28 February 2021 at 23:02

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for the work on a replacement for neorxn.

Consider as well using/linking this aggregator for links to dissenters in the former USA:

Is Francis OK? Cannot access his place.

Godspeed to all.


1 March 2021 at 13:19