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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most interesting, and somewhat depressing. Out of all the “doom and gloom” issues in the world right now, you’re the only one to hit on this and I’m afraid you’re spot on. The closest thing to this was something I read years ago, that we were “doomed” because those that cannot produce are populating much faster than those that DO produce, but you offer the “why” to that scenario, laid out perfectly. Thank you.

21 May 2022 at 12:41

Blogger pyrrhus said...

Pretty much, the Amish will inherit the world...But as you and Michael Woodley have pointed out in the past, intelligence is decreasing..It's women going to college and grad school that is killing the birth rate, and they don't have to be intelligent to do that anymore, at least in America...

21 May 2022 at 13:31

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@p - "the Amish will inherit the world" - Realistically, not likely. When food gets short, piratical gangs or armed men will take their stuff (etc.)

"It's women going to college and grad school that is killing the birth rate"

Actually, I think it is ultimately apostasy from a communal life guided primarily by religion (which includes the dilution to 'liberal'/ moderate religion) that is *primarily* responsible for chosen subfertility - because that explains the exceptions. This also explains why women go to college and grad school *instead* of having children; and choose careers over marriage ad family.

Since we can't return to communal religion - if there is a future (which I doubt) then we (in sufficient numbers) will have to choose personally, actively and consciously, what was in the past socially-inculcated passively and unconsciously.

If we don't (which we probably won't) then there won't be much left soon.

21 May 2022 at 14:09

Blogger Marco said...

"Actually, I think it is ultimately apostasy from a communal life guided primarily by religion ... that is *primarily* responsible for chosen subfertility"

I like the above explanation for dropping fertility. I have never found the usual explanation for drops in fertility and marriage rates, as being caused by improvements in female education, as compelling. I am always left doubting that todays reproductive age females are better “educated” than my parent’s generation. Nor is it believable to me that evolution would open human pair bonding and reproduction behavior to modification, via sitting in a classroom or reading textbooks. Species survival behavior is generally not open to conscious control.

The absence of stimuli, which trigger the evolutionary programs to pair bond and reproduce, or even the presence of stimuli which trigger “wait, not yet” programs, are ideas that I find much more compelling.

21 May 2022 at 16:48

Blogger Restitutor Orbis said...

Hi Bruce! Thanks as always for sharing your honest but painful assessments. Two questions for you:
1) When do you see the end coming? Broad brush, in a decade, a generation, or a century?
2) When the end comes, do you expect a Christian end times (out of Revelation) as some Millennialists do, or do you anticipate a secular collapse (in both senses of the word) with a dark age afterwards?
In other words, are we looking at The End of History, or the end of western civilization?

21 May 2022 at 19:20

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Marco - I think it is very difficult for modern people to understand what an extraordinary distortion the human mind underwent when it chose to reject God and live as if there was no afterlife.

21 May 2022 at 19:45

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@RO - I don't seem to have any aptitude at prediction - almost all the things I have predicted have not happened in the timeframe I anticipated.

We are in an unprecedented time - so I don't think anybody knows how much damage can be inflicted before irreversible collapse ensues - I think the end could begin tomorrow, or by 10 years - I find it hard to imagine things continuing very long. But I don't really know.

No - I don't expect the end times to follow the pattern given in Revelation - at least not in detail. Following the Fourth Gospel, I believe that Christ's work was wholly done by his ascension - and there is no reason for a 'second coming'; and I believe that Heaven already exists - and that since Jesus many people have resurrected there. We do not need to await the end times for it.

I understand the end times to be an era when Satan rules the world (by choice of Men) and self-destruction feeds upon itself.

But these times are what is most needed and helpful for some Men (i.e. many of those souls who are Now incarnated) to awaken and come to follow Christ - these are souls who would almost-certainly not respond to any lesser situation; which is why the end times was allowed to happen and continue.

21 May 2022 at 19:55

Blogger David Earle said...

"But these times are what is most needed and helpful for some Men (i.e. many of those souls who are Now incarnated) to awaken and come to follow Christ - these are souls who would almost-certainly not respond to any lesser situation; which is why the end times was allowed to happen and continue."

Had not heard it articulated this way before but that makes perfect sense!

What better way to awaken even the most stubborn of souls than allowing exactly what Modern Man is asking for - evil at every corner complemented by global destruction.

22 May 2022 at 02:17

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@David - My understanding is that this actually operates at the level of individual persons; and the overall social picture is a sum of God's continually working to create the best experiences for individual souls to learn what they need.

But there must also be a broad social, group-level, consideration of the *kind* of situation that suits the needs of the kinds of souls being incarnated - I this presumably explains the reason for different races and types of nation; and for the differences through history.

Again, there is an indirect spiritual confirmation of a sort, from the fact that the Global Establishment try to destroy and deny such differences.

With evil, it is what they work *against* over the long-haul that is most revealing (accepting that all their communications - e.g. statements of aims and principles - are dishonest, and designed to mislead and manipulate).

If we regard the majority of Men incarnated today as being (from before their incarnation) among the hardest of 'hard cases' in terms of an innate propensity to reject God and refuse to follow Jesus Christ - and to embrace the demonic agenda; then - as you say - it may be that to give people what they ask for, and then enable them to see the consequences, may be the best possible 'educational' experience.

But in the end, it is always up to the individual person to make the right choice - this cannot be compelled; every Man is able to defy God and reject the choice of Heaven.

22 May 2022 at 06:11

Blogger Pathfinderlight said...

I always thought the problem wasn't education per se, rather the content of the teachings and the social context of the schooling. For example, many people are taught to graduate from school and get a good job before marrying and having children. There is nothing wrong with this in a country with a median postsecondary education time of 4 years and a clear track of entry level jobs available to most people.

The most destructive thing college officials are doing is perpetuating career advice that has been out of date for over a half century. They do it in search of prestige and funding, but at high cost to the culture as a whole.

22 May 2022 at 22:04