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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger Stephen Macdonald said...

And yet, Christ.

Dr. Charlton perfectly captures the inability of modern men to discern quality.

I would add only that I was once part of this "Borg" (the Star Trek trope), yet I was freed by Christ. Only Christ can rend the iron bars. There is no other hope, nor any other possibility of anything at all except annihilation.

21 September 2023 at 14:03

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@SM- I think that nowadays it has become very unusual, at least in The West, for anyone to get mentally free without Jesus Christ. The trouble is that many self-identified Christians, especially in leadership positions, are themselves prison warders and propagandists. So the escape must nearly always be individual, rather than (as in the past) following somebody else's plan. Which, I assume, is what God wants of us, in this time and place.

21 September 2023 at 17:37

Anonymous Mia said...

A resounding "yes!" A trillionth example is not needed, but I appreciate the firm, clear summary. One consequence of the consistency and persistence of the inversion is an urge to doubt my own judgment more than ever before in my life. I engage pretty minimally with a lot of it and it's still a daily occurrence at the very least. Abject failure all around but impossible to get a majority of people to recognize it in the slightest.

21 September 2023 at 22:46