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Blogger William Wildblood said...

"In this Original Participation mystical state; problems are not solved so much as dis-solved' That's a superb way of putting it.
I see these states as akin to Adam in Paradise compared to Christ. It's a journey from ignorant innocence through self-conscious experience and on to innocence again but this time with full "knowingness"

28 March 2023 at 12:05

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@William - Most of the literature on mysticism regards teh experience as a unitary and universal phenomenon - with only superficial differences. It's strange but we humans seem to need categories in order to observe differences.

28 March 2023 at 13:40

Blogger agraves said...

Let's say there is a cocktail party going on and there happens to be one person who experiences original participation at one end of the room and another person who experiences final participation at another part of the room. Each is engaged with friends discussing their experiences. At some point they see each other and directly know that there is no real difference between them, just a way of talking about their experiences, and wouldn't dream of entering into a debate about the importance of their experience over the other.

28 March 2023 at 16:03

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@ag - What would happen is that the OP experiencer would feel there was no real difference except that he-himself had gone somewhat deeper to a realm where there was no thought or self; and Man was assimilated into the universal divine...

While the FP experiencer would realize that there *was* a difference and that he had gone in the *opposite* 'direction' to the OP experiencer; to a realm of thought where self-awareness was stronger, and where he could (for a short while) meet the person of God as His grown-up child: a friend!

28 March 2023 at 17:29