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Anonymous GARY BLEASDALE said...

I wasn't aware there were people who were justifying the peck using these laughably neurotic so-called "thought experiments".

15 August 2021 at 19:08

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@GB - The examples are not meant to be taken literally, but are illustrative of a type of argument.

15 August 2021 at 19:17

Blogger Doktor Jeep said...

This for all of the little endevilments of living in a collapsing civilization, I remind myself that we live in a civilization that kills the unborn and so to rail against other proclivities or punishment is pointless.

15 August 2021 at 20:45

Blogger Lucinda said...

This relates back to your recent post about generalizing men and women and the one about sorting out the beliefs you would be immovable about. I think it's a very solid approach. And hopeful because of repentance and eternal life. I'm not good at it, but getting better.

Whether or not people talk about these kind of "thought experiments", they certainly think them. I know I've done exactly the one mentioned. But I don't claim to be UN-laughably neurotic.

15 August 2021 at 21:13

Blogger Mark Nelson said...

I have been spending far too much time lately thinking about yellow stars and trains and"what-if's". This was exactly what I needed to read, right here and right now. Thanks Bruce.

15 August 2021 at 22:11

Blogger Avro G said...

This reminds me of the so called trolley problem in which a trolley is barreling out of control. You can throw a switch to divert it. One choice will kill five people tied up and unable to escape. The other will kill a single individual. What do you do? Personally, I would tell the questioner to stick his sick, contrived and manipulative scenario in his ear and walk away. Such sinister games have no relationship to reality and are always intended to cloud the mind and discredit the idea of morality.

15 August 2021 at 23:13

Blogger Ann said...

Hence Matthew 6:34 So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today's trouble is enough for today.

16 August 2021 at 00:37

Blogger Jacob Gittes said...

Profound in how it ties it all together. Ethics. Metaphysics. The nature of God. Funny how none of that should be separated.

16 August 2021 at 03:29

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Genie - Thanks for your comment. It can't be printed, however, because you do not use the coded terminology.

16 August 2021 at 06:46

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@ Mark Nelson. "This was exactly what I needed to read, right here and right now"

Presumably that was why it got written.

16 August 2021 at 08:17

Blogger A said...

I too think of "what-ifs." We are dependent on our neighbors to survive, rather rural or urban, no matter how well prepared we are for various systemic collapses - we wont succeed or survive materially without a large scale repentance and rejection of the current evil. It would have to be a full rooting out of all the nonsense that has completely overtaking our neighbor's minds. It appears impossible except for a miracle.

Australia appears to be the test-bed for how a modern "first world" population will react, how far the damnation game can be pushed - one or two made up attacks by Corvids and full-scale police prison/state where even the pecked can't travel more than a couple miles from home & must show their papers to armed guards. From what I gather the food shortages are already hitting.

It is clear though that they wont succeed in any material sense. Evil may succeed in harming many materially, and leading many to damnation, but that is an individual choice - the proposed totalitarian nightmare utopia is already falling apart.

I feel sorrow for many I see damned. Despite understanding and describing exactly where this was going, then watching it unfold, they are still led on by the nose like fools - the peck didn't save them, the "upgraded" peck wont save them, etc. The only thing that will save them is repentance and turning towarsd God.

17 August 2021 at 01:37

Anonymous JP said...

I understand the peck is evil - unnecessary, ineffective, harmful. I do not want the peck. I would never voluntarily consent to the peck.

The choice I face, in the next month or so, is get the peck or be fired. I know that getting the peck means I will undoubtedly have to accept additional future pecks.

If I am fired then I will have obvious difficulty providing for my family and protecting my children.

If I surrendered to evil and got the peck, how would I demonstrate repentance afterward? What is the proper process for individual repentance?

29 September 2021 at 22:41

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@JP - You do not know what will happen to you. You can't base your life on such 'probabilities'. The point is to deal with what actually happens - when it happens; not to hatch up plans for every contingency that fear can generate...

30 September 2021 at 07:11