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Blogger Poppop said...

In the years of my own childhood. Only now am I beginning to understand what was going on then, internally and externally.

9 August 2022 at 11:32

Blogger Francis Berger said...

You have outlined the evolution of consciousness in a very clear and comprehensible way here, but I still don't get what you mean by the "evolution of consciousness".


Jokes aside, I suspect the conventional Christian rejection of the evolution of consciousness may stem from a deeply-seeded (and denied) resentment against consciousness as the cause for "liberalism" and the decline of Christendom.

If consciousness development brought us to this, conventional Christians think, then what good is consciousness development? It is nothing but a breeding ground for "liberalism", suicidal individualism, sin, lies, pride, selfishness, etc. Better to be rid of it and return to a time before the liberal consciousness took over, ruined everything, and pulled man away from churches and God.

I suppose the biggest problem with this attitude is that it isn't completely wrong. However, that doesn't immediately make it right. By focusing exclusively on negative developments, conventional Christians willfully ignore the positive developments inherent within "liberalism" and the push toward modernity, positive developments in freedom, agency, and autonomy that should have inspired us to approach God in deeper and meaningful ways. Unfortunately, that didn't happen, but this doesn't imply that it can't, shouldn't, or won't.

I can't imagine that God yearns for us to return to some sort of medieval/traditional framework. On the contrary, I sense that would only widen the chasm between God and man rather than close it.

9 August 2022 at 20:35

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Frank - Another factor that needs to be considered is the nature of people being incarnated at different times (and places). And I also assume that each incarnating soul is unique.

Given that it is God who decides where to 'place' incarnating souls, it seems likely that God chooses to incarnate a person in the time (and place) where he is most likely to attain salvation and learn the spiritual lessons of life that are most necessary to the incarnating soul.

From such considerations, I believe that - however strange it seems - nowadays in The West is *overall* a good place (maybe the best place) for the kind of souls incarnated here and now to attain salvation and achieve theosis. I therefore think most people alive today are such as to require *this kind* of spiritual treatment as their best chance.

9 August 2022 at 21:57

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

The Anti-Gnostic has left a comment:

"I'd be happy just continuing to live in 1980s America.... Nobody alive today who was not alive then can imagine the magnitude of the change."

10 August 2022 at 13:23

Anonymous Evan Pangburn said...

If I could choose an era to live in, as I am now, I believe I would have been happiest in 19th century (probably late 19th century) Britain.

10 August 2022 at 20:41

Anonymous G. said...

I've been pondering Christ's injunction to become as a little child and how this is different from being a little child (or, for an adult, returning to being a little child). Thanks, Bruce, this essay of yours resonated a lot with me.

11 August 2022 at 13:25

Anonymous G. said...

One difficulty of returning to a past era is that you would know the disasters that are to come. You would either have to become some kind of prophet trying to warn people about the changes of course needed, or else you would have to artificially wall that off from your mind and experience the past as a kind of tourist.

In other words, it is a very pleasant daydream, one that I share. But if it actually happened, it would carry with it an enormous load of responsibility.

11 August 2022 at 13:29

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@G - "become as a little child"

It seems that a lot hangs upon that "as" - it makes all the difference.

11 August 2022 at 13:35

Anonymous G. said...

Yes, appeal of barfield's notions for me is that it gives a sense of what becoming as a little child instead of just remaining a little child might mean

11 August 2022 at 17:29

Blogger Ranger said...

In a way, that was the sin that led the elves to fall for Sauron's trap of forging the Rings.

12 August 2022 at 08:21

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Ranger - Very good point - that is a closely similar situation.

12 August 2022 at 08:35

Blogger No Longer Reading said...

The two things I would most be concerned about with regards to living in the past are various diseases and injuries without treatments as well as being in evil situations that you are supposed to take part in. An example of the second is that at one point Hernan Cortez and his men were given a meal by the Aztecs sprinkled with human blood. (The description didn't say what they did in response).

But, provided that I was in a culture that didn't expect the second, then there's a lot of times and places I could imagine myself living in. It's true that there would be many things I couldn't speak about and to a large extent it would involve submitting to the social order. But (at least for those who weren't slaves), things weren't micro-controlled back then.

For instance, you often read about how the parents of a genius or someone otherwise creative had their own hobbies or forms of creativity but were never able to pursue them as much as they would have liked for a variety of reasons. So they had something they weren't able to fully express and that was just part of their life. That would be somewhat analogous to someone with modern consciousness living in the past.

12 August 2022 at 20:46

Blogger No Longer Reading said...

As far as specific times and places, the 19th century in Europe or the US, Ireland in the age of the monks (from say 500 - 1000), the end of the Ice Age as a hunter gatherer are some that I can think of off the top of my head.

12 August 2022 at 21:01

Anonymous G. said...

Where I've daydreamed about--which is different than consciously thinking about what time/place I would mot like to live--is colonial America and being a hanger-on with the Inklings.

@Ranger, excellent.

13 August 2022 at 19:32