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Anonymous Sylvie D. Rousseau said...

There is a sort of historic negative proof of your assertion, particularly if we focus on what is absolutely central to Scriptural monotheism: the Eucharist, the Lamb of God's sacrifice and Real Presence.

The spreading of atheism, the central characteristic of Leftism, was made possible by the previous apostasy of the Reformation toward the Eucharist (or, at least, Real Presence for those who kept the word) where the Apostolic succession was interrupted. It is obvious, as we read in Apocalypse, that the devil is working to stop the Lamb of God’s sacrifice, by which he will be defeated in the end. Leftism being one of his instruments, Eucharistic Scriptural monotheism is thus the only rampart against Leftist atheism.

25 August 2012 at 21:54