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"Morgoth's War"


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Anonymous Epimetheus said...

Perhaps it won't matter. The rumors coming out of those professionally acquainted with the Pentagram are conveying non-Fire Nation casualty numbers somewhere around 3-5 times those suffered by the New World in all its time at war in Vietnam. And this after only 1 year. Those in the Pentagram who have access to real-time orbital cameras and witness the combat power of the Fire Nation are, quite obviously, not at all eager to get directly involved. Hopefully, these more realistic persons prevail.

28 March 2023 at 00:19

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Epi - I agree that there seem to be some sensible people holding back escalation - yet the intent of the losers permanently to poison and contaminate the very earth of the breadbasket nation (like Saruman attempted in the Shire, like Morgoth succeeded in doing to Middle Earth) seems evident to me.

Why else try (for so long, and repeatedly) to explode a massive gamma-ray power station, last year?

To me; the wartime pattern of activities from The West is clear evidence of Sorathic/ Morgothian hatred of divine creation, the gratuitous desire for destruction of people, plants and animals, the land itself - which motivation was already evident from many other activities too.

28 March 2023 at 07:15