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Blogger lgude said...

I am also a great admirer of Cricket, but didn't know of this intense IPL. My greatest clearacter moment watching cricket came in Bulawayo in the 90s where I was watching Zimbabwe play. One of the Zimbabwean players was a young black man I knew indirectly who was the school chum of a well to do gold miner friend. The ball was struck low and hard and he had to charge and throw himself forward at the last minute to have a chance of holding the catch. The outfield was rough and his whole body was getting knocked up and down as he skidded across the bumps. It was clear he was going to keep the ball off the ground and hold onto it no matter what. He did and got up grinning in triumph despite being visibly banged up. It is wonderful that sport can still bring out some of the best human characteristics in an time of exceptional civilizational decline.

18 March 2024 at 14:01

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Igude - What a vivid picture you paint! Catches like that are among the best moments of cricket - and diving forward to take a catch, is one of the most difficult and dangerous of actions on the field - even leaving aside what happens after the player hits the turf.

18 March 2024 at 14:28

Blogger Luqman said...

Does this mean you have come round on T20 cricket in general?

19 March 2024 at 09:08

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Luqman. That's a loaded question, implying that I *used to be* against T20; which is untrue.

But, like Shane Warne, I have always believed that the rules need to be changed to allow at least a couple of the bowlers to bowl five (instead of four) overs per game - to better balance the potential impact of star batsman and bowler.

19 March 2024 at 10:45