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Anonymous dearieme said...

Can we please be clear that Arthur was not English? If he existed, he was a British general who fought the German ancestors of the English. Similarly, Alfred was one of the German ancestors of the English, but a few hundred years later. (Though some historians guess that the founder of the Royal House of Wessex was a German-British cross.)

26 October 2010 at 21:16

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

Ah - I see we are hung up on *facts* here...

I am talking about spiritual essences.

The bald facts of the basic historical Arthur, if he existed - and I guess he probably did - are not of much interest, really.

Historical figures never are the critical aspect - even when they were real.

Because the discipline of history - as a 'scientific' (Wissenschaftlich) group activity, with publicly-shared methods and procedures - intrinsically excludes, a priori, exactly that which concerns us.

27 October 2010 at 10:49