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Blogger Stephen Macdonald said...

Fire Nation invoked such an overwhelming / instantaneous litmus-test reaction among the godless masses of the West -- immediately apparent to the *humble* Christ-follower what was going on (many here in churches snapped in favour of evil, as with the peck). I recall understanding this immediately -- as though my consciousness went through the same catalytic "snap" as the masses, except that I snapped immediately into the recognition of immense demonic energy at work -- just like ca. March 2020 when I suddenly and instantly aligned with the understanding that the birdemic was not as portrayed.

6 February 2024 at 16:59

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Stephen - "many here in churches snapped in favour of evil, as with the peck"

- The same happened in places I have observed here: instant and unwavering support for the alliance of godless totalitarian nihilists hell-bent on destroying the only Christian nation in the world (this intent being absolutely clear and explicit over many years).

The reaction was (and still is, apparently) as extreme and fanatic as anything I have recently seen among our tepid churches - despite the consequence being the utter destruction of the nation supposedly being-supported.

6 February 2024 at 17:09

Anonymous Tim said...

Hello Dr. Charlton, your writing is very helpful and challenges my thinking. I am starting to see how much materialism undergirds my perceptions and the spiritual realities of these late days are becoming evermore apparent. A note of thanks therefore is due you: thank you.


6 February 2024 at 18:42

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

Karl has left a comment:

Dr Charlton,

I've recently been dipping into a book on the current conflict involving the Fire Nation written by a young English academic who maintains a Wikipedia page on themselves, and instead of a publications section has a 'media appearances' section. It is very representative of our age.

In the book, and in spite of having lived in [the Fire Nation] for five years, this person expresses constant incredulity at FN attitudes, views Oxford as the litmus test for all intellectual and social judgements, and is utterly incredulous when a woman they interview about current events tell them she would rather read Dostoyevsky than watch tv. It is the most revealing zeitgeist book I have seen in years.

6 February 2024 at 21:50

Anonymous Epimetheus said...

I don't know if I've failed to grasp the obvious in your theory, Dr. Charlton, but you've seemed to suggest that the evolutionary change in consciousness in Western man was instigated by God for his own autocratic reasons, and that the West has failed to properly respond.

Suppose it was the other way around? Perhaps the Men of the West wanted to be more individualized of their own accord - more sovereign over the conceptual kingdom of their own souls - and God duly attempted to cooperate in a positive way. This might've even required God and his feudal angels to exercise some creativity in devising a new branching path for the West (which we have subsequently abandoned).

Perhaps this is the form of divine creativity that Berdyaev insists Man would eventually call forth from God?

7 February 2024 at 22:46

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Epi - "you've seemed to suggest that the evolutionary change in consciousness in Western man was instigated by God for his own autocratic reasons, and that the West has failed to properly respond."

Not sure what you imply by "autocratic" but otherwise yes.

"Suppose it was the other way around? "

This is metaphysics - the comparison of fundamental assumptions concerning the basic nature of reality. The choice of assumptions cannot be determined by evidence, because what counts as evidence and how it is interpreted are consequences of the assumptions.

Is it part of God's plan of creation that Man's consciousness has changed through history; or is the change of consciousness caused-by... something else. Each assumption has different consequences in terms of coherence and how it fits with other assumptions.

8 February 2024 at 05:57