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Blogger Francis Berger said...

The toughest part of the Litmus Tests for me has been discovering how I should interact with the Litmus Test failers in my day-to-day life. This is no small matter because the vast majority of the people in my life have failed one or more Litmus Tests, usually quite epically.

I'm not looking for any definite answers because I don't think there are many to be had. As with nearly everything today, it comes down to individual circumstances and discernment.

Having said that, I think it is vital that Christians avoid falling into the resentment trap when it comes to Litmus Test failers. The temptation to resent is strong, but it must be resisted and overcome -- or repented if it cannot be resisted or overcome.

22 September 2023 at 17:27

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Frank - "the Litmus Test failers in my day-to-day life"

That is essentially the question of how to interact with "human beings"! Maybe I'm not the best person to advise anyone else.

My only deep concern is with those whom I love; and I believe that love is the best thing one can offer to anyone - far more important than any arguments, or even personal example. From love we may learn what specifically to 'do' - but generic advice is harmful when applied to those we love; because it treats them impersonally, as 'types'.

There is some means by which our love helps each other at the end, materially and spiritually; at the point of decision about salvation. Loving and being loved is (pretty much) what divine creation is about, and what Heaven is about; and valuing this is the best possible 'incentive' for following Jesus to resurrection.

22 September 2023 at 17:40

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Alexey - You might find what you seek by reading through some of these posts:

24 September 2023 at 10:30