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"Science is fun?"


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Anonymous dearieme said...

It took me years to realise why so many of my colleagues weren't men of intellectual interests. They saw getting grants as their job: a few managed to fit in a spot of hobby science.

28 October 2012 at 19:45

Anonymous work said...

One of the problems of ever increasing complexity, specialization of labor, and abstraction is nearly all work is "not fun." I can kind of picture Newton having fun doing science. I can't picture the modern scientist having fun.

Almost any good pursuit gets ruined by turning it into a job.

29 October 2012 at 15:49

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@work - agreed. And it affects almost everybody. The generation of doctors and academics who taught me, wanted to keep working and working and had to be forced to retire by statutory age limits (I know one who still turns up to the office every day, for no pay, aged 83); by my generation of doctors and academics started talking about retirement, yearning for it, in their mid forties.

29 October 2012 at 17:09