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Anonymous Bruce B. said...

Forgive this off of topic venture, Professor Charlton. As a former scientist, what do you think of the words "discredited" and "debunked" as currently in popular use by the mainstream? My impression is that it is an argument from authority meant to reinforce a mainstream belief that the establishment seeks to keep entrenched. I mean these two specific words. As used they always seem to show an ideological bias.

28 January 2023 at 17:05

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@BB _ Current such words in the mainstream mean nothing in particular, since they are always changing - they are fashions.

What I think is set out in the book linked in the sidebar: Not Even Trying, which states that science is in essence dead and gone (except for a few derided, mostly isolated, mostly amateur individuals - less than one percent); and what we have now is only a branch of the bureaucratic careerism that has taken over all social functions in The West.

Words such as you describe are therefore akin to the temporarily fashionable buzz words used by journalists or management consultants.

Digging deeper, the words have no positive meaning; but exemplify the oppositional and destructive nature of evil. Like 'racism', or 'feminism' their function is defined by what they are used *against* - not by anything particular they stand-for.

28 January 2023 at 17:49