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Blogger Matthew T said...

probably the most sheerly-enjoyable

It's funny, I have heard other people say this. It's my least-favourite although I am nearly certain that this is because I take things too seriously. (Which is why I mention it - many of us ought to learn to take things less-seriously.)

No one is told any story but their own.

This is great; I'm glad that you expanded on it. It's reminiscent of one of my favourite Aslanisms, from Dawn Treader, that Lucy will "never know how things might have turned out" had she not spied.

It strikes many people as fundamentally unfair, I think - "why shouldn't I be allowed to know?" Moreover, I also think that many people are offended by the idea that "curiosity killed the cat" which can feel condescending, like being told that it's wrong to ask questions.

I think that one of the conclusions to be drawn may be, that it's not really a matter of right or wrong, this intellectual curiosity; it's more just a statement of fact: we are bound by certain constraints and we can't know what we can't know. That's just how she be!

23 April 2021 at 13:13