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Anonymous tenkev said...

This reminds me of what Carlyle had to say about the original liberals, the libertarians:

"All the Millenniums I ever heard of heretofore were to be preceded by a “chaining of the Devil for a thousand years,” — laying him up, tied neck and heels, and put beyond stirring, as the preliminary. You too have been taking preliminary steps, with more and more ardour, for a thirty years back; but they seem to be all in the opposite direction: a cutting asunder of straps and ties, wherever you might find them; pretty indiscriminate of choice in the matter: a general repeal of old regulations, fetters, and restrictions (restrictions on the Devil originally, I believe, for most part, but now fallen slack and ineffectual), which had become unpleasant to many of you, — with loud shouting from the multitude, as strap after strap was cut, “Glory, glory, another strap is gone!”— this, I think, has mainly been the sublime legislative industry of Parliament since it became “Reform Parliament;” victoriously successful, and thought sublime and beneficent by some.

So that now hardly any limb of the Devil has a thrum, or tatter of rope or leather left upon it: — there needs almost superhuman heroism in you to “whip” a Garotter; no Fenian taken with the reddest hand is to be meddled with, under penalties; hardly a murderer, never so detestable and hideous, but you find him “insane,” and board him at the public expense, a very peculiar British Prytaneum of these days! And in fact, THE DEVIL (he, verily, if you will consider the sense of words) is likewise become an Emancipated Gentleman; lithe of limb as in Adam and Eve’s time, and scarcely a toe or finger of him tied any more. And you, my astonishing friends, you are certainly getting into a millennium, such as never was before, — hardly even in the dreams of Bedlam. "

1 May 2012 at 19:04

Blogger B322 said...

Wow. Your last four paragraphs sound almost exactly like me, with the small exception that my flirtation with libertarianism was shorter (late 90s to about 2005). Which is odd since we're not from the same country.

A couple of the soft-hearted/soft-headed whitopia leftists I've frightened with alt-right zingers have mumbled something forlorn like "I though you were more of a libertarian". To a PC leftist, a libertarian is a sort of cuddly fantasy monster, like the scarier sort of muppet. Alt-rightists are more like Hannibal Lecter.

Anyway, it's always a surprise when I find I have something in common with a stranger, a foreigner, and a person with completely different academic interests.

2 May 2012 at 02:45

Anonymous spandrell said...

This is very good.
I also was a libertarian in my late teens. Didn't last long, though. Most of my friends of that time still remain staunch libertarians, some even got into the media.

What took you so long, professor?

3 May 2012 at 10:29

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@spandrell- "What took you so long, professor?"

Atheism was what delayed me.

3 May 2012 at 10:39