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Blogger Francis Berger said...

"It is perhaps an example of tough love from divine providence"

Yes, I believe that's accurate, and the key word there is love. Moreover, I believe it is also an example of divine wisdom. All conventional external options are clearly dead ends, which leaves one clear path - looking within. That will be the tough part. Many will finally reject the absurdities, but rejection represents but a small part of the journey. The real journey depends on what a person chooses to do after the rejection.

28 November 2021 at 10:09

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Frank - "The real journey depends on what a person chooses to do after the rejection."

Yes. And each journey begins with a step in the right direction. More people are now making that first step of many necessary; and only each individual can determine what happens afterwards.

IN other words; this latest clamp-down (despite being evilly motivated) has *potential* to do more spiritual good than harm; it is a mis-step from the perspective of the demonic establishment (as was the removal of restrictions four months ago).

Thus, purposive evil is bluffing big...


But whether people take advantage of that is their own business.

28 November 2021 at 10:59

Blogger Jonathan said...

"If he can find among his circle of acquaintance even one person of wisdom who deserves to be trusted in relation to ultimate spiritual matters - he is probably unusual and fortunate." Indeed, we are fortunate to have you, Bruce! Although I ultimately found a few other sources I trust besides you, for a long time you were all I had.

It occurs to me that maybe the reason why all other paths to spirituality besides looking within have been closed off is because our Creator and Loving Father always intended that we learn how to find Him within and do the spiritual work through our own direct knowing before the end of the End Times. As the day of the Harvest draws near, it's now too late for training wheels (like churches and gurus). It's our last chance to learn how to ride the bicycle properly ourselves!

29 November 2021 at 00:09

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@ Jonathan . Thank you. I infer you must be that Jonathan (of several) from way back, about when the blog started.

I agree there must be divine-providence-type reasons why things are approximately as they are now - and at this time with unprecedented numbers of people on the planet.

My best guess is that there are a lot of people around for whom things must be dichotomous, 'black and white' - in order for them to perceive reality clearly enough to choose salvation.

Of course, the side of evil is always - by its nature - a liar; and pretends to be 'good' (i.e. by its inverted definitions of 'good') - but evil doesn't get much more obvious (including more obviously dishonest) than at present; so that those who nowadays die and then choose the side of evil, really 'know what they are doing', in a way that was not always the case, perhaps.

29 November 2021 at 12:23