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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello again, bgc.

I agree with your perspective on Christianity very much and am sincerely glad to know there are more than just a few like-minded people "out there" in "cyberspace".

It's painfully obvious that our secular world attempts to separate all of us - tempting us to feel isolated & powerless to the point of defeatism through apathy & acquiescence.

If you're interested, my "nutshell" of Christianity and human spirituality is that Christ is the personification of God's forgiveness, love, wisdom and sacrifice which is THE necessary "step" we all should take towards, as you've aptly named it, "The Good". Jesus is God's ultimate "parable" - His law has been written on ALL of our "hearts" (conscience) through the example of His son's life & death. Therefore, it appears that even those who've/who'd never heard of His parable are not excluded from His law & subsequent judgment because that necessary "step" is each individual's ultimate "goal". "Blessed are the true of heart for they will see God".

Might I suggest to you possibly reading, if you haven't already, some of the latter writing's of Thomas Merton (Fr. Louis) regarding this concept. While I can't say I agree with everything Merton wrote about since I haven't read it all, he does employ this universal concept which I think we both share.

Cheers and best wishes to you,
Chip / g-stormcrow

27 April 2012 at 15:52