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"No children!"


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Blogger Duggus said...

Significance: They aren't the future. The question: Who will be?

28 February 2018 at 19:21

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

"Who will be?" According to present demographic trends - among the native populations, a few *small* groups of Christians; and a larger number of people composed of those of very low intelligence, high impulsivity and high psychopathy. But mainly; recent arrivals from the lower social classes of the higher fertility parts of the world.

28 February 2018 at 19:49

Blogger Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Tsai Ing-wen of Taiwan and Shinzo Abe of Japan are also childless.

Trump has five children.

28 February 2018 at 20:24

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

New Zealand socialist PM has a cat, Putin has two humans... The pattern overall fits the theory.

28 February 2018 at 21:03

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

The PM of Italy also has no children - That means the leaders of the Big Four European nations (UK, Germany, France, Italy) don't have a single child between them...

The Irish PM has none.

In balance, the Spanish PM has two.

What about the increasingly-Christian, mass-immigration-resisting, ?breakaway V4 (Visegrad) group?
Polish - Four
Hungarian - Five
Slovakian - One
Czech - Four

Hmmm... I think I begin to see where European hope, motivation and purpose is located...

28 February 2018 at 22:01

Blogger Mark Moncrieff said...

Professor Charlton

The New Zealand Prime Minister announced recently, a month or two ago, that she was pregnant.

Mark Moncrieff
Upon Hope Blog - A Traditional Conservative Future

28 February 2018 at 23:35

Blogger John Fitzgerald said...

Absolutely, Bruce. I've been thinking that (re the V4) for a while.

1 March 2018 at 05:18

Blogger Unknown said...

EU population 510 million.
Countries with childless leaders 310 million.
Voting rights, influence, all go by population. The EU is controlled by leaders who have no children to experience the effects of their decisions.

5 March 2018 at 14:03