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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I completely agree with you here. Mormonism, as a historically recent "heresy," is a valuable test case. Comparing Mormonism as known by its adherents with the caricatures presented by those who consider it heretical, we can see that the latter present a deeply and fundamentally distorted view of the faith; not all anti-Mormon writers sink to the level of actual libel, but even the "good" ones are writing polemics, and polemics necessarily portray their targets in a way that is extremely lopsided and selective . Someone who got all his information from anti-Mormon pamphlets would be ludicrously ill-informed about the faith.

You are right to assume that the anti-Arian, anti-Pelagian, etc. pamphlets that have come down to us are about as reliable as their modern-day counterparts.

27 December 2019 at 14:27