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Blogger John Fitzgerald said...

I wonder, regarding this negative portrayal of Williams, if the forces of dissolution have cottoned on to the Inkings as potential harbingers of a Christian Renaissance and decided to 'take them down'?

29 October 2015 at 19:14

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@JF Actually, that has been going on for decades,,,

29 October 2015 at 21:08

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your description, " a ritual - supposedly based on Williams' advocacy of 'substitution', or one person carrying another's 'burden' - that totally removed feelings of guilt", makes me think of the vivid "Sins of the Fathers" segment written by Halsted Welles for the 23 February 1972 episode of Night Gallery - my first encounter with the idea of a 'sin-eater', which I later read another version of in The Sin-Eater and Other Tales (1895)by 'Fiona Macleod' (pseudonym of William Sharp). Williams certainly knew some 'Fiona Macleod', and 'sin-eaters' could be something that contributed somehow to his ideas about 'substitution' and 'exchange', but - the idea of 'sin-eating' is that it really takes sins over (with them 'going on existing and burdening'), while 'C.W. substitution' so far as I can see could never do anything of the sort. "Feelings of guilt" is also nothing that I've seen C.W. contending could be 'exchanged' or 'substituted for', and is a very creepy idea - ignoring the reality of guilt and getting rid of the feeling which is there to work toward your facing that reality!

Your sketch of plot details make me think I may never want to find out for myself what the Williamsy bits of the episode are like.

One hopes "the novelty value of having Charles Williams discussed on mainstream television" might help get people to read him, critically, and benefit from the very good bits... If they just go away thinking they know all they need to know about him, and deplore or welcome according to their existing tastes (etc.) - that would be s disservice all around.

David Llewellyn Dodds

4 November 2015 at 20:02

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@David - Off topic - I wonder if you would mind providing me with a potted biography of yourself so I know something of with whom I talk! I can't find anything much on the internet, except a couple of your books.

5 November 2015 at 17:18

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you - an intriguing invitation! For on- or offline? (If the latter, how would you prefer it sent?) And, how big a pot, emphasizing which ingredients?

David Ll. D.

6 November 2015 at 04:09

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@David - Thank you. Since I am asking out of sheer 'nosiness' maybe you could e-mail? As for detail - things like where you were born, lived, educated, jobs, books etc - and a few lines about your engagement with the Inklings?

6 November 2015 at 05:53

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the address! I'll toy around with casting this in a commodious form - without, I hope, taking too long about it!

David Ll. D.

7 November 2015 at 01:43