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Blogger Michaela Stephens said...

The fascinating thing about reality is that there are short-term consequences and there are long-term consequences, and sometimes the short-term consequences seem to reward wrong-doing. Ultimately, the long-term consequences reward righteousness. But then there is such a thing as people who are so righteous that both short-term and long-term consequences seem to punish them to the very end...and those people are the martyrs and if there is real justice in the world, we must believe that they have a VERY long-term reward coming that is so great that nothing the world could match it, and only heaven can give it.

I say this is a fascinating thing about reality because we know there are consequences for behavior, and we have a sense of what they SHOULD be, and we know of cases where the consequences came as expected, but we also know of cases when neither good nor bad consequences have not come when deserved. And those cases make life the test that it is. It is a test to live righteously even when the good consequences are slow to come.

13 December 2020 at 22:17

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@MS - And on top of that - we can be misled about what are consequences, and what are not. That misleading is the function of 'ideology'.

14 December 2020 at 07:25